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Connor's POV

Sunday 25th December 2038

I didn't look back. I just stayed on the path to the DPD, there was still plenty time to get some work in.
"Connor? What're you doing here?" An officer questioned.
"I thought I'd get some extra work in." I passed through the double doors and sat in my desk.
"Connor!" A voice echoed in the office, I looked over my shoulder, there was Gavin slowly taking his time to get to me. I turned back to the files on my desk.
"What do you want Reed?"
"Reed?.... Connor, please. Can we at least be friends?" He pleaded. I put my weight on the desk; spinning around to see Gavin who backed away a bit as I walked closer to him.
"Hey, I get it. I shouldn't have come here- I'll leave." I hovered him by the neck of his shirt so his feet were barely touching the ground. The look of fear was plastered all over his face.
"You're right, you shouldn't have." I threw him on the tiles and the impact bellowed through the building. He kept his face on the floor, not even bothering to lift his head. I kicked him. It felt good- so I did it again; and again. It didn't even sound like he was in pain, so it couldn't be that bad right? I picked him up to press him to the wall and punch him in the nose. Blood dripped onto his top and down his chin. No one else was in the office luckily. He was back on the floor, still no tears. I thought that this was enough for now, I left the DPD.

Niner's POV

Friday 25th December 2038

Where did Gavin go? He wouldn't have followed Connor, would he? I better check he's not in the DPD.

I arrived a few minutes later, I bumped shoulders with Connor. He looked like he was in a rush. I rounded the corner and my eyes landed on Gavin- hunched up in the corner of the office.
"Gavin?!" I crouched down to his level, revealing a pool of blood. I lifted his chin up, he was expressionless.
"Gavin, we better get you home."
"Not so fast. Reed, you and I have some business." Hank pointed a gun from the break room. Gavin got himself up and limped closer to Hank, until the barrel of the gun was inches from his head.
"Do it. Just get it over with." Gavin's voice was hoarse with a hint of guilt. Hank kept his hand on the trigger. I had to do something, Hank even seemed regretful.

Gavin's POV

I awaited the bang, the pain to sear through my head. I couldn't wait, I'll never have to be like this again. I so wanted to see what was on the other side of death............. .  .   .    .


I could feel the spear to my skull- but I couldn't. I didn't feel anything. Did it miss? No. I was directly in the path of the bullet. I opened my eyes and saw Hank with the gun by his side. I peered down, Niner was on the floor. Thirium stained his hair and tiles. I kneeled down and placed my hand on his chest, then I heaved him onto my lap. His eyes were still open- flickering and black with a blue iris. He whispered something. I couldn't hear it.
"Niner. Please don't, you didn't have to do that. You know I would rather me die than you! Don't. Please. You're the only person who.... who understands." I cracked up, water filled my eyes. I couldn't lose him. Please God I can't lose him.
"Y-you..... awakened me.... don't change Gavin. Everyone needs a Gavin. You're the most i-interestiNğ person I've əv3R məŤ" he took his last dying breath. I stood up with him in my arms.
"Gavin. I-I didn't mean-" I cut Hank off before he was halfway through his sentence.
"Save it. I've heard it before, you should have shot me when you had the chance." I limped away and journeyed home.

Connor's POV  

"Niner's dead." Hank opened the fridge and took out a bottle of whiskey.
"I aimed the gun for Gavin's head but Niner jumped in the way."
"You tried to kill Gavin!?" I couldn't believe it. Gavin could have died.
"It looked to me like you got to him first. I thought I might as well end it." I went to the door.
"Where you going?"
"To Gavin."
"I thought you broke up?"
"...I just.... need to see his mental state."
"He fucked Niner! How can you care about him?" Hank tried to stop me from reaching the door but I closed it behind me before he could.

Finally! The chapter uploaded! Yay.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now