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Gavin's POV

I studied the clothes, they were mostly jumpers and long sleeve stuff. My eyes landed on a white jumper, it would be nice to be more light once in a while... I looked around before grabbing it. If people saw me buying shit like this they'd laugh. I bought a few more jumpers in various colours- one of them had a Christmas tree on it. Then I heard a little kid in the Isle to the right.
"Mom!!! Stop! Please!!" A little girl cried. What the fuck is going on? I March to the pleas and turn the corner into a video game Isle.  There was the kid, her eyes red and puffy and her wrist being held onto by a woman. She pulled her to the side as she saw me- right.... I'm wearing my badge. I pretend I didn't see anything. Looking at the games instead. The pair soon leave. I hear struggles from the kid while she leaves the store. What the fuck was that? Oh well. I'm in the games Isle now I might as well wait for Nines here.

They still have really old games. They're probably running out of ideas. God of war, mine craft (eugh. Not that game again), sims, heavy rain?  I've never heard of that one before... maybe I should buy it? I still have my old Ps4. It's under my bed with years worth of dust.
"Ahh!" I jump round. Oh it's Nines.
"Did I scare you? I'm sorry."
"Jesus. It's fine. Dipshit." I stumbled over my words.
"Were you buying any games?" Niner inquired. I thought about it..
"Nah. I haven't got enough money." I started to walk to the cash register.
"Is that all?" The lady asked. I noticed that Niner had bought a turtle neck shirt, some jeans and a coat. After we paid the money we made our way back to the car to load it.
"I thought androids didn't get cold.." I hinted.
"I know. It's for you, since you didn't buy one."
"Y'know, this is the only coat I've ever bought in the past three years. But.. thanks. I guess."
Niner smiled.

The trees towered over us, some were even lit up. I was planning on going for a small one but what the heck. We ended up carrying a tree that was just above Niner's height and really fucking heavy.

Then I saw the kid again.

With his father?

We finished putting the tree in the car, well on top of the car.
"Uh.... can you get the engine started? I'm gonna go check something." I definitely looked suspicious- oh well.
Speed walking to the entrance, I once again heard crying. Jeez. This was one abusive family.
"Just do it! For fucks sake! Grow up." I peered round the corner, a little girl held three kittens. She dangled them right over the edge of a bridge. My instincts kicked in and I sped over there.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled. The man stood in front of the girl,
"None of your business. This little brat was being an idiot. So we take away one of the things that make her happy."
OK,  this guy definitely had mental issues.
"Just give the kittens to a home! Your fucking insane to do that to your kid too. Hand them over." I shoved past the guy. Holding out my hand to the girl.
"Hey! Skye! Do not give them over."
"You both have no choice. Detroit Police. Now give me the cats." Skye finally gave the kittens to me, I held them to my chest. Zipping up my new coat with them huddled inside.
"I suggest you over along now." I ended. The man grunted and dragged the daughter along.

"What took you so long?"
"Your driving" I replied as I say in the back seat.
"Gavin?"  Niner worried. Like I'd done something. I sighed, unzipping my coat to reveal the fluffs - one ginger, one tabby and one white.
"Gavin! Why did you get three kittens!?"
"I'll explain later." I grinned smugly. Holding them to my chest for warmth. The was winter after all.


I already know this chapter is trash. Oh well.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now