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I decided that I will do first person as well for this story.
Gavin's POV

I am not looking forward to seeing Connor today. Fuck, he might start asking questions about last night. BZZZZ. I swear if Connor is texting me.

'Good morning detective Reed, I am at the station and I'll be waiting by the break room to discuss the case.'

'Fucking Prick.'

I laughed at my own bluntness. I went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I glanced at my watch, 5:51AM. Shit. Work starts in 9 minutes. I finished my coffee then got changed. I grabbed my gun on the way out and drove to work.



I awaited Reed's arrival, 10 minutes late, I wondered what happened last night and why was he awake at 3 in the morning? Maybe he just couldn't sleep...
"Hey plastic, C'mon let's go." I looked to my left and saw Gavin walking towards the break room.

"I found another location if you would rather investigate there instead." I offered. He looked at me,
"Why? We're not done with the fucking motel, are we?"
"I just thought you'd feel less intimidated going somewhere other than the motel, because of what happened last night."
Gavin's eyes moved away from me.
"Yeah, they probably won't let us back in anyway." I nodded.

Third person

Connor and Gavin snuck around to the back of the house. There were reports of red ice dealing here. Connor turned to Gavin,
"I'll go firs-"
"Why? I'm not a fucking baby you Prick!"
Connor rolled his eyes
"There'll be less chance of you getting hurt, after all, I'm just a machine." Gavin regretted calling him a machine. He really wish he could turn back time and just stop being an asshole.

Connor moved forward, Reed followed closely. Then they heard someone...
"How much was it again?" A deep voice asked,
"$700" another, more robotic voice replied. Gavin looked to Connor and he nodded.

"DETROIT POLICE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Connor ordered, the two figures put they're hands in the air, an android and a man. The man held cash in his left hand, assuming it to be the $700. Connor and Gavin marched over to them, Connor cuffed the man but the android kneed Gavin in the stomach and sprinted in the other direction
"Detective are you alrig-" before he could finish his sentence, Gavin was chasing after the android.

Gavin's POV

That mother fucker! I try to catch up to it and leave Connor in the dirt. It's weaving in and out of cars, knocking people over. "If you don't stop I will shoot!" It halts. And turns around.
"Please, don't shut me down." I cuff it and shove it into my car which was conveniently on the next block.
"You're gonna get fucked up for doing that to a human." I warn.

Connor sits in the passenger seat next to me after putting the man in the back too.
"Are you alright detective?"
"I'm fine dipshit." I huff. Connor turns his head to the window.

We arrive back at the station, the pair are put in separate cells. We walk to the break room and I stand by the table. Connor stares at me, I pretend not to notice. He moves towards the table I'm at.
"I thought it would be useful to get to know each other better, so we can feel more comfortable being around each other while we are on the case."

"Sure, fire away plastic." I wait.
"Why do you call me plastic?" I hear a hit of.... sadness? In his voice...
"Nickname." I state. He nods slowly
"What's your opinion on androids, detective?" I pick my words carefully...
"Well, if you didn't steal so many jobs, maybe I'd like you better." Connor looks down. Dammit androids don't have feelings!
"You were born in 2002, I heard there was the first AI robot to get a citizenship in October 2017.... and the only robot. Do you know why?" Damn. I remember Sophia. I never realised she got a citizenship though.
"No.. but I remember her. I was 16. She got deactivated didn't she?"
"Correct." I sighed. I never thought androids would get so advanced. Fucking androids.
I sat at my desk, on my phone once again. I looked over to Hank and Connor. They were smiling and talking to each other. I wish I could be open like that...
I turn my attention back to the game I'm playing, fortnite. I'm the only player on there. Why would anyone else play it? It's 20 years old.

The end of work came, I sped to the exit. But as I got outside, someone tapped me on the shoulder. Connor, should have guessed.
"Hello detective,"
"You again? What do you want dipshit?"
Connor shuffled in his place. Is he nervous? Androids can't be nerv- right, forgot he's a deviant now.
"Hank has to go somewhere tonight, I- I was wondering if you would come to the store with me.. I. .. don't like being alone."
Was he seriously asking me to go shopping with him? I observed his face for signs of this being a prank or something, nope looked honestly quiet shy and nervous.
I thought for a moment.... why not?
"Sure, what time plastic?" Connor's face lit up and beamed, at least I made him happy. Wait- what am I saying?! God, I'm loosing it!
"If you could come to Hank's house at 4:00PM?" He handed me a piece of paper with an address on it. He waved before getting into Hank's car.

Connor's POV

"What we're you talking to Gavin about?" Hank questioned while he started the engine,
"Oh, just working out times to interrogate some suspects is all" I lied. Hank looked at me suspiciously,
"Uh huh.... anyway, house rules, your aloud people over if you want but not Gavin, ok?" I nodded, I'm not sure Gavin would come over anyway.
"I'll be gone for two days, so I'll be back on Monday. Oh and last thing, don't forget to feed Sumo." I leaned back in my seat and thought about later today.

Oops this chapter was late. Oh well. I feel like the story is moving a bit fast.

Word count: 1,051

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now