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Gavin's POV

I felt like shit. My head was an explosion of pain. I looked to my side and saw Connor, Still in sleep mode. I remember where I am and panic. I'm in Hank's bed... and he's in the house too...
"What's wrong?" I see Connor slowly sitting up. He comforts me by pulling me closer and hugging me.
"We're in Hank's house. In his bed." I whisper. Connor realises; getting up and going to the door.
"Where are you going?" I whisper-shout.
"I'm seeing if Hank's still asleep." Connor leaves the room.  I sat on the bed and heard shuffling down the hall. Connor poked his head around the corner
"He's not here." He said.
"Where did he go?" I generally curious. Connor shrugged his shoulders. I flopped back down on the bed. Connor crawled over me, smirking.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing.. why did you ask me to suck your dick last night?" Connor asked. I blushed
"Did I say that?"
"Yes." I blushed even more. Connor leaned down and pecked me on the lips.
"It's ok. I know humans have urges." Connor teased.
"Fuck you." I retorted. Connor layed down beside me.
"When do couples get intimate?" 
I choked on air.
"Fucking- what?!" I stared at him.
"I'm guessing a few more months then." He guessed.
"Well, I like to get it out the way....." I state, "Then if you stay after... it means your not doing it for sex." Connor looked curious.
"Can we?" He shyly says. I stop to think. It's only been a month. (I know it's only been a few days but I wanted to move the story on) On the other hand, Connor doesn't seem like the kind of person to ditch people. Plus we already work together.
"It's ok if you don't want to." Connor adds.
"Not right now. I'm not in the mood." I tell him, he nods.

We're eating breakfast in Hank's kitchen
- he's still not back. Connor's been worrying about him too much.
"I'm gonna go take a shower."
I leave the plate in the sink and make my way to the bathroom.

After showering, we head back to mine. It was just a bit awkward doing stuff in Hank's house.
"Gavin, you're back," Niner greets me and Connor.
"Hey Nines." He huffs at the nickname. But doesn't say anything. We're all sitting at the dining table. Niner's Fidgeting is getting on my nerves.
"Nines. Go to work or something." I suggest. He acts so weird when he's not at work.

I go to get a cigarette in the bathroom and sit in the tub. Leaving Connor by himself.
But he instead follows me and frowns.
"I wish you would stop smoking."
He joins me in the tub though. I snuggled up against him.
"Your really warm." I compliment. He smiles. I finish my cigarette and get up to put it in the bin which is in the kitchen.
I turn around and bump into something, falling over. I open my eyes and see that I'm on top of Connor with my legs either side of him and..... oh my God. His crotch is pressing firmly against my ass. Way too firmly. I trail my eyes up to his and see lust? 

Connor pulls me into him and kisses me. But they're needy. We part with a string of blue saliva connecting our lips. He picks me up and we move to the bedroom, all the while fighting for dominance with our tongues. Connor throws me on the bed and crawls over me.
"Are you in the mood now?" He whispers in my ear. I feels my jeans getting tighter. I tackle him, now I'm on top of him.
"Are you sure?" I ask.

Connor rips his t-shirt off, revealing hairless abs. He begins to lift my shirt up but I stop him.

Connor's POV

Gavin stooped me. I gaze into his eyes with worry.
"What's wrong?"
Gavin looks ashamed. I furrow my eyebrows.
"Gavin, you know I love you. I don't care what your body looks like." I reassured. I tried again with his shirt; he didn't stop me this time. As I lifted it up I saw multiple scars - Self-inflicted. Then I took the sleeves off. His arms were scattered with scars, all self inflicted and new ones. Dating back to yesterday. He faces away from me.
"I'm hideous." He sniffs. He wipes away his tears. I face him back to me. I then crouch down and kiss every scar on his stomach, moving up to his chest- where there are still plenty.
"Your beautiful. Anyone who has ever called you ugly, they're wrong. They're just brought up believing that scars are ugly. They're not. They are like decorations on your skin, they tell a story." I say. Gavin sobs. But he has a smile on his face too.

He starts to undo my pants. I undo his, more scars covered his thighs. We were both just in our boxers.
"Are you sure?" I ask him. He nods. I sit him on the bed and pull down the rim of his boxers with my teeth. His dick springs free and I lick the tip, then take in the whole shaft all at once.
"You know, it's-ah- a good thing you have no gag reflex" He breaths. I twirl my tongue around his dick. Pre-cum flowing down my throat.
"Ahhh! I'm close!" Gavin whimpers.  I move my mouth off him and he whines. I grab his thighs and pull him to the edge of the bed. I remove my boxers and a clear-blue substance coats my dick. Gavin gazes into my eyes, I lean over him,
"I love you"
"I love you too" I kiss him passionately and circle his entrance before pushing in. The new feeling overwhelming me. I go deeper. Once I'm sure he's ready, I move back out and then slowly back in.
"Faster!please!" He pleas. I grin as I start to pundits him harder and harder. The sound of skin slapping each other filling my ears. Gavin whimpers and moans, higher pitched than I thought he could go. He pleads me to go harder, I do as he says. He cums on his stomach, it trickled down onto the sheets.i bury myself into him as far as I can go. I cum and remove my dick. A blue substance leaks out of him. I licked his stomach until all his cum is gone. We embrace each other and fall asleep. Even though it's 1 in the afternoon.


................Well then. I had to get my friend to write some of that cause.... Ahhhhh.

Also thank you for 700 reads!!!! I don't know what plot to do from here. I'll probably think of something.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now