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Connor's POV

Me and Gavin went to the park where our first date was, It was a nice time. Now we were back home and Gavin was staring blankly at Niner's memory chip.
"Instead of keeping Niner in your room why don't we bury him? It's starting to smell due to the thirium." I suggested.
"We'll give him the send off he deserves." I interrupted.

Gavin carried Niner in his arms while I lead him to a place where he could be buried peacefully. It was an hour long walk to the special haven where I knew Niner would be peaceful.
"Woah. What the fuck is this place?" Gavin commented as we walked inside. There were blossom trees, a river surrounding a small rose garden in the centre and flowers and greenery almost everywhere. We walked around the place for a while and when we reached the other side Gavin stopped.
"Connor #1? Connor #2?" W-what? There were Connors before you?" Gavin crouched down so he was level with the gravestones.
"They were my predecessors. The ones who didn't complete their mission." I explained. Then next to the two graves was one other.
Gavin brushed the level out of the way and the words 'Niner #1'
"What is this place Connor?"
"It was from my mind palace, where I discussed missions with Amanda- the CEO of cyber life. But she has passed and I found the location of this place in real life." I kneeled beside him,
"This isn't where we're going to bury him though." I helped Gavin up.

We left the sanctuary and I turned to the left, seeing a sign that Markus built in honour of the uprising 'history repeats itself'. We walked over to the sign and Gavin placed Niner so he leant on the side of the H.
"Maybe we shouldn't bury him. Just sit him here as a reminder?" Gavin suggested. So that's what we did and we made a promise to visit him at least every other day- though it turned out to be every morning and evening.

End of book one

I didn't really know how to end it. But there will definitely be a second book. Today actually, I just can't end it there. I was also thinking of bringing Niner back somehow (with the chip) I'll accept suggestions if you have any.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now