He cares?

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Peter's Age: 13

Trigger Warnings: some peeps I know are triggered by bully's so if that triggers you...

Description: Older kids bully Peter every day when school let's out. Soon someone catches on and well ;)

Third POV.

Peter had just finished his time being pushed around and called names for the day, he did pretty good since he only had a bruise on his left cheek and a scratch above his eye.

Peter climbed into the back of the car, waiting for Happy to start driving.

Happy was surprised to see the kid just sat down and stared out the window, Happy would usually have got his ears talked off as soon as the kid sat down.

"Hey kid you okay?" He asked, no reply. Then he noticed his face, "What happened to your face?" Happy asked the kid another question.

"I fell can we go now?"

"Yeah" Happy sighed and drove to the tower. He stopped and let Peter out.

He wasn't telling him something and Happy was not happy about that (hehe okay I'll leave now).

He'll find out more about it tomorrow.

And that's exactly what he did.

He waited outside of the car when all the kids spewed out of the school, he saw Peter get pulled to the back of the school by some older kids.

Happy's face scrunched up. Is this what Peter didn't want to tell him about?

Happy went to the corner and peeked his head out a bit to see what was happening.

He saw an older kid, maybe 9th grade, holding Peters arm so he couldn't run. Happy could already tell there was going to be a bruise.

The kid raised his fist and striked Peter in the face, a black eye, as the others cheered.

Happy couldn't stand it, as the other kid raised his fist to strike again, Happy shot out and grabbed his fist before it hit Peter's face.

"You know it's bad to pick on kids smaller than you?" Happy asked him, not letting go of him.

"Who are you? L-let me go" The kid stuttered, his other friends long gone.

"Peter get in the car" Happy said.
"But-" Peter tried to protest only to be cut off by Happy.


Peter scurried back around the school into the car.

"Now listen here kid, you mess with Peter you mess with me" Happy said. He didn't want to admit he actually liked the kid and hearing him talk.

"What could you do old man?" The kid asked.

Happy smirked, "well I could beat your ass but I know someone else that would love to."

"Y-your bluffing" The kid stuttered.

Happy smiled and took out his phone clicking on Tony's contact, he answered on the second ring.

"Someone's been bullying Pete come deal with it before I beat him."

Then the kid ran, Happy let him go. That was his plan.

Scare the kid into leaving Peter alone.

And, it worked.

The kid never looked at Peter again, not wanting to know the mystery man that would beat the shit out of him.

Sorry for the bad chapter I've been busy with homework and assignments lately.

Also I got ISS (In School Suspicion) for a stupid reason, so I couldn't write.

Sorry for the people that actually read my story 😂

Also, (oh Jesus I'm gonna sound desperate)

I have writers block and need requests, you don't have too I'll figure something out eventually. But it would be appreciated!

Bye ❤

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