Everything Is Okay

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Steve's POV.

I was walking through a bad part of town, trying to find an ally to sleep in.

Ever since the fight with Tony, I've been homeless.

I know I could ask Nat or someone for a place to stay, but I don't want to be even more of a problem.

I find an ally and sit down, I really need to find something that will warm me up.

I look for something as it starts to snow, I scavenged for a few minutes before a settled on a piece of cardboard. Its not the best, but it works.

I lay down on the disgusting ally floor and drift off into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up to a lurching feeling in my stomach. I shoot up and move my head to the side as I feel vomit slide up my throat and out of my mouth.

I cough after I finish throwing up and wipe my mouth with my sleeve.

I get up and stumble out of the ally, going to a gas station to use the bathroom.

I'm beyond recognition so I don't have to worry about anyone seeing me in this state.

I stumble to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it behind me.

I left the bathroom after, I don't know, awhile, and got a sandwich with what little money I had left.

I could tell I was sick, I threw up and feel like I'm about to again at any moment, I have diarrhea, and I can tell I have a fever.

I feel tired, and cold.

I look around, trying to find somewhere warm.

When I can't find anywhere I sit behind a dumpster. I don't have time to react before I throw up the sandwich I just ate.

I lay down unaware of the upcoming event that will happen when I wake.

Third POV.

Coulson was just walking by a dumpster on his way home.

He wasn't looking for the man, he just kinda found him.

He pulled out his phone and sent a quick email to Stark.

Maybe he would help.

He then went on his way, worrying about Steve Rogers.

Tony was watching a movie with Peter when his phone dinged.

He paused the movie and pulled out his phone.

From: Agent Coulson
To: Tony Stark

Hey Stark, I know you're probably busy, but someone needs your help.


I sent you their coordinates at the end of this note.

I suggest you get here quick.

[Brooklyn, 67th Street]

Tony sighed.

"Is something wrong Mr. Stark?" Peter asked.

Tony gave him a tired smile and shook his head.

"Sorry kid but business came up, you need to go to sleep anyways you have school tomorrow." Tony turned off the movie and made sure the kid went to sleep before he drove to where the address sent him.

He stopped at an ally, confused.

He got out and saw a man behind a dumpster, he was about to leave until he saw who the man was.

"Jesus Steve." He mumbled, going over to him.

Steve had throw up on him and was shaking and mumbling.

He was probably having a nightmare.


Tony woke the man up, Steve jolted upright and puked.

All over Tony's shirt.

Tony made a face but helped him to the car.

He texted Bruce and told him to get Med Bay ready, no questions asked.

As soon as they get to the tower he rushes up to Med Bay.

Bruce turns and sees Tony, and Steve.




Tony, w i t h, Steve.

Tony, h e l p i n g, Steve.

Bruce shakes his head and examines the super soldier.

"Well he has severe malnutrition, so as soon as he wakes back up he needs to eat."

A few minutes later a dish was prepared and Steve was awake.

Bruce gave him the food and he ate it hungrily.

When he finished though it all came back up.

Right onto Tony's lap.

"Goddammit Steve, this is the second time." Tony grumbled, leaving to change his clothes.

Bruce injected Steve with something that would take the place of food so he wouldn't have to throw up.

Then he made Steve go back to sleep, telling him he would be back in the morning.

When Tony and Bruce came back, Steve was feeling much better.

"So cap, care to tell me why you didn't tell anyone you were dying?" Tony asks.

"I just didn't want to bother anyone by asking for stuff, you know." Steve shrugged.

"Oh my god you remind me of- never mind, listen cap. We're going to be here for you whether you like it or not." Tony stated.

"So deal."

Cap sighed but nodded.

He did not expect what happened next to happen.

Tony Stark hugged him.



Tony, h u g g i n g, Steve.

Bruce shook his head and joined.

"Everything okay now." Tony said.

"Hey Mr. Stark, I lost my homework- wait WHAT!"

Hey Cucumbers!

Updating two chapters in a day!

Wow! That's rare.

Anyways, I just had to post it now.

I hope this was good, even if it didn't have much of Petey, I think it was still pretty good.

Tell me what you think!!

Also, a few minutes before I published this I had a small breakdown for about thirty minutes.

Then I continued writing this to calm myself down.

And it worked so, eh.

Anywayssss, i hope you enjoyed this!

I'll see you the next time I update, my lovely Cucumbers!!

🥒 "oH mEh GoD, iTs A sAlTy CuCuMbEr"

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