I was tagged (plus Q&A)

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I specifically told my sister not to tag me.

But, here we are.

So since she tagged me I thought I might as well do that Q&A from like.....last month 😅

Anywayysss, let's get this over with.

Sexuality- Straight
edit from future me: HA NOT ANYMORE (I'm bi)

Gender- Cucumber

Jk female

Happy?- uM wHaTs ThAt?

Last song- Billie Elish, idontwannabeyouanymore

Hair Color- Brown

Zodiac- Yo wassup I'm a Cancer bitch ;)

Last Person That You Kissed- okay I kissed a boy on the cheek today from a dare by one of my guy friends (he was my friend so he was okay with it 👌🏻)

Fav Color- i like a lot of colors 😂

Fav food- cHiCkEn

Battery- 65%

Celebrity Crush- Um ToM fUcKiNg HoLlAnD

Fav vegetable- nOnE

Eye Color- hazel, sometimes with a little green

Shoe Size- 5-6 in kids

Dream Job- to be a successful author


Q) What's your favorite picture of Pepe the frog


(Q) When did you get into Marvel?

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(Q) When did you get into Marvel?

(A) I've really always been into it, but when I really started to be into it was Spider-Man Homecoming.

(Q) Which Marvel movies have you watched?

(A) all of the Iron-Man ones, Thor: Ragnarok, Antman, Spider-Man Homecoming, and a few more i don't feel like typing ;)

(Q) Did you cry when Peter died and stayed in your room for 3 hours?

(A) y e s. I went into my room and sobbed for at least two days, every time I see that scene, I cry.

(Q) whats your name?

(A) My name is Skylar.

(Q) will you do a face reveal?

(A) idk, should I?

(Q) How old are you?

(A) How old do you think I am ;)

I'm a teen so 13-16 (I'm only going to 16 because ya girl ain't 17)

Well theres that a request will be out soon!

By the way I'm doing them by direct messages then comments, mainly because thats easier!

So I'll see you then!!

🥒 "oH mEh GoD, iTs A sAlTy CuCuMbEr"

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