Silence Is Golden (2)

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Okay, I am doing a book for this. It will have different events and will be stretched out, but I suck at making covers, so if you can
p l e a s e  help me out. If you make a cover DM it to me, and if I get more than one than I will chose the one I think fits best. I will give you full credit for the making of the cover, thank you for your help ❤❤

(The beginning is like really bad, but it gets better towards the middle, I promise.)

TW: Physical (and little verbal) abuse.

Peter crawled out of the closet, his hoodie in his bloody hands.

He made his way to his room, grabbing some clothes and a new hoodie, before going to the bathroom.

He closed the door silently, getting undressed and taking a quick shower.

He got out, putting on underwear and pants.

He went to a cabinet, taking out a small first aid kit.

The bleeding stopped sometime last night. So he took out the necessary supplies needed to take care of the damage done to his arms.

He finished by wrapping his arms in gauze, then putting on his shirt and hoodie.

It was Saturday, so Peter got ready to go to the tower for the day.

When he was ready, he went outside, just as Happy pulled up.

He climbed in the back of the car and typed him a message.

'Hey Happy!' Ari said, her full name was Ariana Karen Parker, but Peter called her Ari for short.

"Hey kid." Happy said, pulling out and driving towards the tower that Tony used to say near Peter.

Peter didn't know that of course.

The two had no further conversation as Peter fiddled with the small bag he always brings with him.

It has normal stuff in it.

A notebook (with sciencey things)

A pencil

A journal (personal)

And a few blueprints and drawings for a project him and Tony are doing.

"Alright kid, we're here."

"Thanks Happy!" Ari replied for him, as Peter got out of the car.

Peter soon was sitting beside Tony, working on Tony's suit.

"Hey kid, why do you have bandages on your arms?" Tony asked randomly.

Peter looked down at his wrists to see his hoodie sleeves had rolled up while he was working.

"Oh, I fell on a lego set." Ari lied for him.

Tony gave him a suspicious glare, but continued working.

Peter later said he had to go, he got up and left.

Tony noticed a journal fall out, but didn't have time to call Peter back.

So, he picked it up and started to read, curious of what was in it.

Not snooping.

Just curiosity.

Tony noticed the kid did poetry in the book, and some were very alarming.

May came home

A drink got spilled

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