Oh My Fucking God She Fucking Dead

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I got tagged by at least 15 people to do this.

1. I'M BI

2. I'M HIGH (lmao not really)

(Thank you to the person who commented that)

4. I have 8 siblings

5. In a group chat I'm called Granny (don't ask)

6. I always wear a hoodie. For certain reasons. Like  e v e r y d a y. It's c o l d.

7. Um, I mchate myself

8. I'm a huge procrastinator

9. I'm taken (hey little sis, if you're reading this, not a word to mom, Luke, Nate, or anyone. I know where you live. I know your secrets. Expose me, I expose you 👌)

Update: he cheated on me :)

10. I'm a Cucumber (I'm a really boring person 🤷‍♀)

I don't feel like tagging anyone.

American, Canadian.




That was horrible.

Peter ran, trying to get away from the monster behind him.

But he wasn't fast enough, as he felt himself being jerked back.

He was trapped, he couldn't escape.

It was over.


I'll see all you Cucumbers when I update!

🥒 "oH mEh GoD, iTs A sAlTy CuCuMbEr"

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