Surprise Chapter

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This is 5000 words long, so cover up and get a snack and drink, and be ready  ;)

Career Day


"Make sure to bring your parent to school Friday for Career Day, this will count as a grade."

Peter sighed as he saw the smug look on Flash's face.

The bell rung and Peter got his stuff and quickly left the classroom.

"Hey, Penis!"

Peter sighed once again and opened his locker.

"What do you want Flash?"

"Oh, nothing I just can't wait until Career Day and see you show up with no one with you."

Peter shook his head and finishes getting everything out of his locker.

"That's great and all, but I have to go."

"Where? It's not like you have any friends."

Peter pushed past him and ran outside to Happy's car.

"Hey, kid did you have a good day?"

"Yeah, it was fine," Peter said looking out the window.

Happy let out a small hum in reply, already letting Tony know something was up with the kid.

The drive back was silent, Peter was content to his homework and Happy was focusing on the road.

"Alright, kid we're here." Happy said, breaking the silence.

Peter nodded and put everything into his back, getting out when Happy opened the door.

"Thanks, Hap."

Happy's face showed no emotion as he nodded, making a 'go' motion with his hand.

Peter went straight to the lab, throwing his book bag into the corner.

"Got any homework, kid?" Tony asked he heard the kid come in.

"Nah, I finished it on the way."

"Good, now come over here and help me with the suit."

Peter smiled, and went over, to Tony, sitting in the chair beside him.

The pair worked in silence, neither speaking, both working.

"So, Pete, what's wrong?"


"Alright, Pete fess up. What's wrong?"

Peter sighed, leaning back in his chair.

"Career Day is on Friday. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal or anything but when you don't have anyone to bring..." Peter trailed off, not wanting to say what came to his mind.

"Go on," Tony urged.

"Some people think it's funny," Peter said the last part quietly, almost a whisper.

Tony's eyes went from soft and gentle, to angry and protective.

"What?" Tony's voice was dark.

"Some people think it's funny when I show up with no one since May works while I'm at school now," Peter said a little louder; his head looking at his fidgeting hands.

"Don't worry, Pete, they won't think it's funny anymore."

"Why?" Peter looked up at Tony.

"You'll see, but don't worry. It'll be okay." Tony pulled the kid in for a hug that he only gave to Peter.

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