He's My Intern (2)

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The plot is a bit sloppy so I apologize in advance.


"We need to have a serious discussion about Intern Baby." Clint said, slamming his hand on the coffee table. The rest of the team stood behind him, all but Scott looking slightly disappointed.

"Don't break my furniture dumbass." Tony said. "And why are you so obsessed with my intern?"

"I tried looking up his picture at school at the library and it said access denied, Tony the library is a public place and my access was still denied? There's got to be something special about this kid or you wouldn't be keeping him around." Natasha stated.

"You guys think I keep him around just for kicks? Something to look at in my spare time?" Tony scoffed. "Why do you guys care so much? Worried you can't control him and he'll slip up something about you?"

Steve shook his head. "Tony he's great and all, but he's a kid. He might use us for popularity and exploit us for fame. He could send our secrets out to the world!"

This time it was Tony slamming his hand on the coffee table. "I'll tell you what I've been telling you for a week! I know my intern and I trust him wholeheartedly, if anything I don't trust that you all will send his secrets out in the world." Tony got up to leave.

"So you're admitting he has secrets." Sam said.

"Yeah I am, and none of you will ever know them." Tony actually left that time, probably going down to his lab.

"Wow okay, that was a show."

The team turned to find Intern Baby walking into the room, his backpack on the floor.

"Yeah so do you want to give us some info about yourself?" Clint asked.

Intern Baby smiled. "No can do Mr. Barton, I'm not allowed too."

"Tony isn't allowing you to give out information about yourself?" Sam asked.

Intern Baby shook his head. "Only for my safety."

"What could we possibly do to compromise your safety?" Scott asked.

"Uh for one you guys are super heroes." Intern Baby said.

"True, but what else?" Clint asked.

"Stop grilling him, you won't see him in four days anyway." Tony said coming in, putting an arm around Intern Baby.

"It's okay, they didn't do anything bad."

"Doesn't matter." Tony said.

"Can I tell them my name?" He asked.

"No." Tony said.

"Please?" Intern Baby asked.

"I'll buy you ice cream if you stop asking." Tony said.

"I'm not five, but I want mint chocolate chip." Intern Baby said, slipping out of Tony's grip and going towards the elevator.

"Well are we going to get ice cream or not?" He asked.

"I'm coming, you little shit." Tony said, following him.

"What the fuck did we just witness?" Sam asked.

"Father and son, Sam; Father and son." Natasha said, shaking her head and  sitting down on the couch. "Movie?"


The movie was interrupted by a call from Tony. Scott paused the movie while Steve answered and put it on speaker.

"Look guys I hate to ask but I need your help." Tony's voice was rushed and they could hear the sounds of horns and squealing tires.

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