You're Home

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Heh a random post cuz I'm bored and have no life ;)

TW: kidnapping, torture (Im in a shitty mood rn so eh)

Peter's Age: 16 (cuz all I do is 15)

Description: Peter was kidnapped and tortured by Hydra (not doing all caps cuz I don't feel like it) Tony had just found him and they were training to get all his anger out and well, things went down.

Peter's POV.  (Wow a different point of view!)

Me and Tony were in the training room. He told me to let all my anger out.

So, I did.

I was punching and kicking the punching bag. It fell off the ceiling, oh well off to the next one.

Soon I was crying.

"Hey, it's okay. Tell me about it" Tony said rubbing my back.

"They would hurt me every damn day."

Tony nodded. So I continued.

"I would be locked up in this cell with no windows, my feet and hands chained."

"Every day they would come in with different tools, to have fun" I spat. "Then they marked me" I gestured to my shirtless stomach. Hydra, carved into my skin. That was a wound that wouldn't heal.

"They would cut me, beat me, starve me. Trying to get me to speak, but I refused. They would take me to the chair, I hated that chair. They would shock me until I couldn't move. Then they would shove me in this really tiny room, and fill it with ice cold water. They would leave me in there just long enough for me to feel death, then they would make the water drain away."

"After that I would get starved for a week-" He broke into sobs. "It was horrible! A-and I don't wanna go back."

That's when I heard sniffles, and not from Tony.

I slowly turned and saw my class standing there. "Peter, I am so sorry" The teacher said.

But Peter ignored him. Instead he went to Ned and MJ.

They embraced each other in a hug. "I missed you loser." MJ said.

*time skip brought to you by my lazy ass*

Third POV.  (Heh, I ain't stoppin)

Flash was the only one that didn't know about Peter, so the day he came back was hell.

"Hey penis were have you been?" He asked in gym.

"Fuck off Flash" He muttered.

"That time away must have gave you confidence, Petey." He taunted. "D-don't call me that."

That's what they would call him before the chair. Oh how he hated that chair.

"Aw want your mommy Petey? Oh wait you don't have one." Peter hated that nickname.

"Don't call me that."

"What? Don't call you Petey? Sorry Petey, can't do that."

Peter was shaking, now.

Tears started falling. "Hey, dude calm down." Flash said, "I was joking."

"What the fuck is going on!" A distressed Tony Stark asked, running in.

A watch had alerted him. Don't ask.

He saw Peter shaking, and Flash right in front of him.

He pushed Flash out of the way.

"Peter, it's okay, I'm here." He said, cupping Peter's cheek to let him know he was in the present.

His breathing slowed.

"I'm not there?" He asked.  "No, your not there." Tony confirmed.

Peter nodded and rested his head on Tony chest.

"Now what happened." Tony didn't ask, he demanded.

"I-i was just calling him Petey and-"

"You dumb kid" Tony said. "That's what his tormentor would say before torturing him. Now that you know that, I expect that this will never happen again. Correct."

"Yes sir."

Peter was still shaking.

"Hey kid it's okay."

"N-no what if they find me" Peter looked into Tony's eyes and Tony's heart shattered as he saw the sadness, loneliness and what made his heart break a little more, fear.

"They won't kid."

"It still feels like I'm there." He whimpered.

"No kid."

"You're home."

Gahhhhh, that was sooooo bad but I'm bored so. Deal with it.

I'm also thinking about adding Spideypool and maybe some Stony? Idk.

Tell me what ships I should add cuz I'm not sure what you guys like.

Also two posts in a day!?

Yeah that most likely will never happen again, I'm a heavy procrastinator.

And mY LoRd, 3K views!?!


Thanks so mUcH ❤❤

ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ see you when I feel like posting again ;)

🥒 "oH mEh GoD, iTs A sAlTy CuCuMbEr" - Jessica 2k18 (she posted the last chapter and that's what she said when she saw the emoji at the end 🙄😂)

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