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Petty-Ass knows about my book.

And the only person that has my pw is my friend Jessica.

AnD jEsSiCa GaVe HiM mY pW bC wE gOt In A FiGhT.

So I am changing it but I have to figure out how first and I'm getting my phone taken away for the day because of my mEtH gRaDe. (yes I meant meth)

I'm kinda scared that he'll post on here because I have to get off my phone soon bc my dad is a  b i t c h.

And if he posts then it will make it seem like I'm the bad person.

I highly doubt he will.

But still take caution.

Plus I'm pretty sure he only read the chapters about him.

Lmao I hope so.

But if he does post please don't believe it's me.

I don't want y'all hating me.

Damn I just realized how fake this sounds, but I promise y'all on everything that I'm not making this up.

Because honestly what would I gain from making this up, because I love y'all and really don't want to lose you.

Put your hate here:

Anyways my dad is yelling at me to give him my phone so I have to go 😔

Please believe me I love y'all and don't want you go hate me

Omfg I'm having a panic attack bc I'm so nervous.

Okay I really gtg now.

🥒 "oH mEh GoD, iTs A sAlTy CuCuMbEr"

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