"I love you"

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"I love you" <3

"I love you too" <3

We'll be happy together :)

And we'll be better :)

We'll help each other out :(

And tell each other it's okay :(

We'll be together forever :D

And get married one day :D

We promise we'll be be there for each other ^•^

And always care for each other ^•^

We won't fight ×

We'll take each others side ÷

I'll stay with you ↑

And I'll stay with you ↓

"I love you" <3

"I don't love you" </3

I'll be happy with you :)

I won't be happy with you :(

We'll get better :(

We won't get better :)

We'll be together forever :D

We go our separate ways today :D

I promise I'll be there for you ^•^

I have to leave you ^•^

We won't fight ÷

But I won't take your side ×

I'll stay with you ↓

I'll be leaving tonight →

"Why don't you love me?"

"You're too much for me?"

"But you promised-"

"I just broke that promise."

"But MJ, I still love you."

"Well, I don't love you, Peter."

I'm sorry this isn't a real one shot. I just wrote it because I can't come up with an actual one shot or write any requests.

I don't have writers block, I have plenty of ideas.

I just can't put them into words.

I'll see you all when I'm able to write an actual story.

🥒 "oH mEh GoD, iTs A sAlTy CuCuMbEr"

Irondad and Spiderson // One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now