A Gryffindor's Regrets

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All rights belong to the author, JacksonFrost


"You're a disgrace to the Blacks," Bellatrix hissed at Sirius, whose grin from being sorted into Gryffindor and making instant friends, was just now fading.

He looked from Bellatrix to Andromeda, cousin to cousin, and saw two identical disapproving scowls.

"Couldn't you have asked for Slytherin?" Andromeda snapped. "Your parents are going to kill you, and us!"

It was a bit rich, Sirius thought, for Andromeda to be criticizing him for failing the family after she had been spotted hugging a Muggle-born. Still, he didn't dare say that because both of his cousins looked ferocious.

He tried grinning at them. "They'll be mad, but they'll get over it eventually. They have to, right?"

"No, Sirius," Bellatrix said acidly. "They do not 'have to.' They'll probably hate you forever, as they should. As Andromeda and I do."

Sirius' eyes widened. "You hate me?" he asked, fighting to keep his voice steady. Even if Bellatrix could be a right bitch at times, he still loved his cousin who secretly taught him how to use his wand and defended him from any playground bullies. And he loved spending time with Andromeda, who would listen to any problems he had and give him fantastic advice.

Neither of his cousins spoke, but instead, gave him looks of deep disgust, in Bellatrix's case, and disapproval, in Andromeda's, and walked away. Sirius, for the first time, felt a flicker of regret over the Hat's choice.


The first and last time Sirius left Hogwarts to go home for Christmas was a disaster from the start. His aunt and uncle were waiting for Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Sirius, but Sirius' parents were nowhere in sight. When Sirius dared to ask where they were, his aunt managed a curt "home" before falling into a tense silence.

Sirius Disapperated with his relatives and he appeared in his own house. His mother was standing there, waiting for him. As soon as she saw her eldest son, she spit in his face. "You disgusting blood traitor," she hissed. "Get out of my sight."

Sirius was furious and pushed past a stunned Andromeda and Bellatrix and his younger brother, Regulus, who refused to make eye contact with him. Sirius stormed up to his room, untouched since he left for Hogwarts, and flung himself onto his bed. He lay there for what seemed like hours, but was really only thirty minutes, until he heard a tentative knock on his door.

"WHAT?" he roared.

"It's uh, time for dinner," a voice that was clearly Regulus' said. "Mum wants you downstairs."

Sirius swore under his breath. "Fine," he yelled through the door. "I'll be down in five minutes."

There was no response; Regulus had walked away from the door as soon as his message was delivered. Sirius angrily walked over to his mirror and filled a basin with hot water. He began to furiously scrub at the spot where his mother's spittle had landed, scrubbing until his cheek was raw.

He had always imagined a different sort of Christmas when he came home during his first year of Hogwarts. His parents were supposed to give him the newest broom model, like Andromeda and Bellatrix got their first year. His brother was supposed to pester him with questions about what Hogwarts was really like. Andromeda and Bellatrix were supposed to welcome him into their circle. It was supposed to be happy.

And Sirius felt the pain of regret as he imagined what this Christmas would be like if he was a Slytherin.


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