For His Love

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All rights belong to the author, hanniworks

"Miss Granger!"

Hermione jerked her head up, knocking her bottle of ink all over the desk in front of her. She blew a bushy chunk of hair out of her face as she sat up, a large red mark on her cheek where she had fallen asleep.

"Miss Granger!"

Her eyes widened in horror as she realized she had fallen asleep during class. Potions class. She moaned to herself; she knew she had stayed up too late to study last night.

"Miss Granger, now that you are awake, would you care to share with the rest of the class why you feel you are such an exception to the rules that you can sleep during my class," Professor Snape said.

Hermione glanced to her side, where HaHhdfasldjfHarry and Ron were staring at her in blank shock, the looks on their faces clearly expressing what she was thinking. 'I fell asleep in class?!'

"We are waiting, Miss Granger," Snape said contemptuously with a sneer.

"I-um, well, I—"

"Spit it out," he spat.

Hermione shut her mouth and flushed a shade of maroon. Snape looked at her and turned away. "See me after class, Miss Granger," he snapped.

Hermione hit her forehead on the desk as the professor continued on with his lesson.

As the bell rang, the class stood up in unison, but silence hung in the air as Snape finished his last sentence. Harry and Ron looked at Hermione, questioning whether or not they should wait up for her. "Go on. He's probably just going to give me a detention that I have so much time to serve," she said irritably, disdain dripping from her voice. "I'll catch up with you two later."

"Alright, Hermione," Ron said, then dropped his voice to a whisper. "DA meeting tonight, remember?"

Hermione nodded and slung her bag over her shoulder and waved to her two best friends as they left the dungeon. She took a deep breath and started to walk towards Snape, whose head was bent over his desk, scribbling something down on a piece of paper. Without looking up, he started, "Miss Granger, you will serve your detention with me, tonight."

"Tonight, sir?"

"Yes, Miss Granger, tonight. Are you deaf in addition to being a know-it-all?"

Hermione gritted her teeth together. She was sick of him always berating her all of the time. He seemed to hate her exceptionally, just as much as he hated Harry. He always went out of his way to embarrass her, and for no reason! She clenched her fists together as she forced a "No, sir." from her lips, which were pressed into one horizontal line.

He stood up and glared at her. "You will be finishing what your beloved friend Potter started last night."

At this moment, a year's worth of stress that had building up in Hermione from OWLs, the Order, Ron, and all the abuse she had taken from Snape over the years exploded.

"What the hell is your problem with Harry? You are so childish, taking out your hate of someone else's family on them! Harry did nothing to you! Do you not understand that his parents are dead? That he probably is hurt a little bit inside every time someone mentions them? How long can one person carry a grudge, sir? Clearly, if they are immature enough, they can carry one for a good long time!

And while we're at it, what the hell is your problem with me? I am a perfect student, with the exception of today's incident. I show respect to you even when you are an unimaginable bastard to me! You seem to hate me just as much as you hate Harry, except I don't have parents you can hate!

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