An Understanding

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All rights belong to the author, 27eilee

Harry walked aimlessly through the corridors after leaving Dumbledore's office, before he knew it he was outside Snape's classroom; Gryffindor bravery - or foolishness depending on who you ask - setting in he walked into the classroom and sat at his usual seat near the back. His elbows on the desk, his head in his hands he stared at the blank blackboard recipes of countless potions flashed through his mind.

"POTTER! What are you doing in my classroom?!" Snape shouted as he entered the room spotting Harry.

"I was speaking to professor Dumbledore, sir, and needed a walk. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and came in here." Harry replied respectfully.

"And, you thought my classroom would give you comfort." Snape said sarcastically.

"No, I think that's why I came here." Harry replied.

"Not that I actually care, Potter, but explain that point." Snape said trying not to sound interested.

"This classroom is the one place in this goddamned castle where I'm treat as Harry, not the-boy-who-lived, not the-saviour-of-the-wizarding-world or whatever other hyphenated idiosyncrasies the genera public are making up this week, even if Malfoy's acts like a little bitch, you don't give me special treatment.

After seeing how Sirius treat you I can see why you don't like me. If my dad treat you half as badly as Sirius did then I can see why you don't like me.

I think that's why I came here, here you dislike me for a real reason I remind you of my dad. If it makes you feel any better, I haven't told anyone about what I saw in your pensive. I'd also like to apologise. When I saw how my dad treated you, for the first time in my life I felt ashamed of my dad. People always told me he was a good guy, great at Quidditch, smart, funny all that; I saw the darker side to my dad that day it made me ashamed to share his name let alone his blood."

"Come into my office, Potter we need to talk and my office is more comfortable." Snape said surprising Harry who followed the professor through the door behind his desk.

Snape's office wasn't what Harry expected. The walls were dark blue, there was a comfy looking couch a bookshelf. Snape's desk looked organised, there was a filing cabinet behind Snape's comfy looking chair, with two more in front of the desk.

They sat down at the desk, in front of each other, both deep in thought. Snape was thinking, for the first time consciously, how like Lily Harry is. Harry, thinking about the prophecy, Sirius and how he's now for the most part alone.

"First off, Harry, I accept your apology and thank you for not telling anyone of my memories." Snape said with genuine respect, Harry didn't show it but he liked that Snape called him 'Harry'.

"It wasn't my place, sir, I know what it's like to be bullied; as much as I love Sirius, and the thought of my father they were wrong to bully you."

"I am sorry I bully you, and the others in class, for my position if I were to be seen or heard of being nice to the hyphenated one it would not end well for me."

"I didn't mean you in that comment sir, but I accept your apology none the less."

"You were bullied outside of Hogwarts? Or by your classmates?"

"I can understand in Hogwarts, being who I am not everyone will like me I'm okay with that. The Parsletongue thing I understand given who the other famous parslemouth is. This year I understand people were scared. No, I meant at the Dursley's." Harry said their name like dirt, although to him they are.

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