(1) Malfoy Manor

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All rights belong to the author, shadowsofthelight369

As he walked, his boots hit the white marble floor with purpose, leaving a resounding clack to echo the cold halls. He was in a hurry. He had been summoned, for the first time in a long time, in the middle of the night. He was one of the Inner Circle, for the first time in his life, one of the elite, and was rarely called in the night without warning.

Regardless of the time, he was fully dressed and wide awake. If his Master wanted him there, at Malfoy Manor, then that was he would be. Happily, for his Master and his noble cause.

He had reached the dining room, where the meetings were generally held. He was breathless with anticipation, electrified adrenaline coursing through his blood, eager for what he hoped the night would bring: death.

He opened the closed doors, an expressionless mask on his face, hiding his joy. His brother was there, kneeling on the floor, much to Fred's joy, and perhaps just a dash of uncertainty. His goal, and that of all the other Death Eaters, had been finding him, and his two friends and co conspirators - Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. It was all about them, they were the key to the war. For better or for worse. It was about time that they were caught and put to justice. Assuming that it was them.

The one that was presumably Potter, looked distorted, unlike Harry himself, and not even a pair of glasses on his nose. Still though, the prospect of Harry Potter was enough to give Fred a twisted smile of joy.

In the room, around the three, were the two Malfoys, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Fenrir Greyback. In Fred's opinion, the other lowly people, likely Snatchers, weren't worth mentioning.

"Fred". Draco stood up, a relaxed expression on his face, he had been squatting in front of the prisoners. His posture was relaxed, if his stance was tense. Fred narrowed his eyes vaguely, wondering what this meant, but he shoved his suspicions aside, now was not the time to doubt loyalties.

"Draco. Is it really them?" despite how excited he was, his voice was calm.

Draco shrugged, turning his back and walking to the other side of the room carelessly. He didn't respond. Fred glared at him before turning to Bellatrix who was still examining the prisoners.

"Is it them?"

She turned away from Hermione, and looked at him through heavily lidded eyes, "You tell me".

He approached cautiously, almost afraid that he would see the eyes of Harry Potter staring back at him. While Fred was a loyal Death Eater, he didn't want his family, filthy blood traitors as they were, to die. If it was Potter, that would mean that it was Ron. He couldn't care less about Granger or Potter.

He looked down at his face, studying it carefully. Moments ticked by, the occupants of the room had fallen silent full of nervous energy.

The eyes. The infamous eyes. They were definately those of Harry Potter. Snape would know.

He stood up smoothing his crisp robes. His shoulders high, and eyes piercing, he looked to Bellatrix, the authority of the room, "I can't be sure. I think that they are his eyes. We should call Snape". Bellatrix eyed him, but he knew that she would take his advice, he had proven himself to be trustworthy to the cause. Moments later, Bellatrix had her wand out, and was pointing it at her left arm. As a high up death eater, she like all in the Inner circle could call other death eaters, as well as the Lord, which all with a mark could do. As the most respected death eater in the room, Lucius had lost his authority when he lost his wand, Bellatrix was solely given this honor.

The minutes waiting for Snape to arrive were spent torturing the mudblood.

Bellatrix had immediately, after calling for Snape, cut her free from the others, saying that they could do something productive while waiting for him.

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