Stitches In Time

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All rights belong to the author, Firazh

Severus Snape stared in horror at the retreating back of his, now former, best friend. What in Salazar's name had possessed him to call her a Mud-blood? Why had he said that?

He heard a soft, regretful sigh behind him, and whirled around to see ... the well known face of the former Minister of Magic, Henry Jameson. The one they called the Grey Eminence. The man looked tired. And also incredibly sad.

"I am very sorry, boy, for doing that to you," he said, and clamping a hand around Severus' arm, started dragging him away.

"Why? What did you do to me?" Severus asked in broken-hearted horror, stumbling after the man without offering much resistance. The love of his life had just walked away from him.

"I imperiused you," the old wizard explained, still pulling the young Slytherin with him.

"What? Why? Let me go!" Severus demanded wildly, his voice shrill. He would have dug his heels in at this point, but Mr. Jameson simply sighed and pushed Severus into the game-keeper's hut. How had they gotten there? He blinked and saw the old wizard wave his wand in a complex pattern at the door. Severus felt some incredibly strong wards spring up in response.

"Please, sit. This will take a while."

Faced with a drawn wand, and a wizard of undeniable power who was obviously willing to use it, Severus sank down on one of the crude chairs, huddling in abject misery.

"Why?" he asked again, hearing his voice break.

"I will explain, though I fear I cannot leave you with any memory of the explanation."

"What good is it then? And you just ... you just ..."

"Forced you to say something horrible to her? Ruined your chances with her? I know, and I regret nothing more than having to do so," Mr. Jameson said softly. "But you see, it was unfortunately necessary to break up your relationship with Lily Evans."

"Why?" This time the question was a wail of despair.

"Because she is my mother."


"Correction, she will be my mother. Regrettably, you will not be my father."

Severus stared at the man, wild eyed and confused. The world had apparently gone mad. Or maybe just the old wizard facing him.

"You see, I am a time-traveller, trying to avoid a paradox. About a quarter century in the future, I will travel into the past to prevent the emergence of the worst Dark Lord the world has seen in ages. And I was successful. Instead of an insane, evil megalomaniac who slaughtered multitudes ... we now have Lord Thomas Riddle Slytherin, Minister of Magic and generally benign and progressive presence, even though he is a manipulative bastard at the best of times."

Severus' jaw fell open. His throat worked, but he only managed a croak. The other man chuckled darkly and gave him a wry grin.

"Well, knowing all about what had led Tom Riddle down a very slippery and dark road was very helpful in keeping him from it. I simply ... removed a lot of temptations from his path, you could say, and ensured he got the things he missed the first time round, like love, affection and friendship."

Jameson's expression grew earnest. And regretful.

"But all that would possibly be for naught, if I do not get born and therefore could not go back in time, you see. So I have to make sure my parents get together."

Severus swallowed. "I see ... provided I actually believe you ... just who is your father?"

The old wizard sighed unhappily. "That is the part you will not like. At all. Because my name used to be ... or rather will be ... Harry James ... Potter."

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