(2) Valentines Day

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All rights belong to the author, HGxSSAlways

Hermione buried herself under a blanket in her dorm. Her face was beat red as her roommates, were making fun of her crush on Professor Snape. Even her friends Ron and Harry were making fun of her, well Ron just lashed out and took off in a huff.

"How could anyone have a crush on Snape?" Lavender smiled, "Ewwww!"

"Hermione I thought you had a crush on Professor Lockhart?" Parvati asked. Why that was true she once did have a crush on Lockhart, but all of that disappeared after their first couple of lessons. All her interest in Lockhart had completely vanish. She quickly came to the realization that Lockhart was not what everyone thought he was. It was something she liked about Snape, was that he was the best in his field, but did continuously boast about it. She realized that she would take one Snape over ten Lockhart's any day of the week.

"Teacher's pet." Lavender taunted.

Hermione didn't know why she felt this way about her Potion's Master. He has bad teeth, dirty hair, pale skin and was cruelly sarcastic. And yet, there was something about him that was just so alluring. She thought that it was his intelligence and his standards that are nearly unobtainable and impossible to achieve. But that why she loved his course, she never felt like McGonagall or Flitwick challenged her intellectually enough.

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