(2) Like a Shadow

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All rights belong to the author, Rabeeafatima

Harry shouted hoping someone close by could hear and rescue him but all that came of his mouth were indecipherable muffled garbled sounds due to the hand still clamped tightly on his mouth. His assailant chuckled darkly and Harry shivered because this individual was definitely dangerous he could wager that by that evil chuckle only. He managed to move his head a little to take a look at this surroundings and found himself in a totally foreign part of the forest deep and hidden to anyone who could help him. Meanwhile Harry's thoughts were running wild with possible scenarios of being killed; like buried here or chopped to pieces etc.

Suddenly Harry realized they had stopped moving and Harry didn't have time to process the thought before the man behind him had his face on Harry's neck from behind. 'What the Hell?' Harry thought. The guy was nuzzling Harry's neck and trying to make more room by tilting Harry's face towards one side. Harry was deeply perplexed and extremely afraid by this behavior. He was anticipating a knife or bloody Avada Kedavra but not the deep snuggling in his neck.

Suddenly Harry felt a sharp pain in the tender area of his neck and he jerked and cried loudly but again the person wouldn't let him move an inch. Harry was flailing his arms and kicking his legs but to no avail. Harry realized that it was teeth sunken in his flesh and the realization brought his heart threatening to jump out of his chest. His pupils dilated from terror but the screeches and squeals lead to nowhere. Harry suddenly felt extremely tired and drained, he didn't have energy for more struggle. The man continued to suck on his neck. Harry's last thought before succumbing to darkness was 'Is he a Dracula or a vampire?' before he knew no more.

But the young vampire knew he was greedily sucking blood from warm soft neck for a purpose. As he felt the child going limp in his arms Severus Snape picked the child and sat against the wide tree trunk of Wiggentree with the small child placed carefully in his arms sideways like a baby. His razor sharp teeth were still linked to the boy sucking every ounce of blood there was but now in peace without the small punches child had delivered on his stomach. Severus sighed and nuzzled the pale, smooth skin of the child's neck deeply inhaling the scent of his fledgling.

Time passed and when he was sure there was not even a drop of blood left in the boy, Severus scooped the small limp boy in his arms and settled him on the hip before concentrating and apparating to his home namely The Prince Manor which was an extraordinarily huge mansion he had inherited from his maternal grandfather and his childe would inherit from him. Severus smiled slightly at the thought looking at the boy in his arms. No one knew Severus has ownership of this mansion, not even the Headmaster. Contrary to popular belief he doesn't tell Albus everything. He had told one person willingly but she was dead now. His precious Lily, Severus sighed sorrowfully as memories from past threatened to overwhelm him like they always do when he thinks about his beloved, his only love. But he has a responsibility to someone else now; Harry he stared down adoringly at the child cradled securely in his arms, the small face resting against his broad chest. His childe now, his and Lily's. He purposefully ignored James name. Severus placed a light kiss against the child's forehead before gently placing him on his own huge bed. The child looked comically little on black silk sheets of his large bed.

Severus stared another moment at the child that was now his son before dragging his gaze away to the dagger on the bedside table designed with ornamental beautiful stones on its handle; rubies, sapphires, emeralds glittered as Severus picked the dagger and brought it to his wrist before making a deep slice. Blood gushed from the wound and he brought it to the slightly parted lips of his fledgling. Few drops fell in mouth before the child responded and started to suck on the source, the wrist in this case providing him nourishment. Severus Snape looked at the child who was sucking on his wrist like a baby sucks on his bottle of milk, the amusement and warmth in his eyes foreign to any Hogwarts student or staff or people in general. Severus himself couldn't understand this, it was not even a few hours and he has already starting to care for the small boy currently sucking on his wrist enthusiastically, eyes still closed. Severus hesitantly raised his other hand before placing it on the child's head and brushing away errant bangs from the forehead. Severus's control only last for 30 seconds and he started running his hand through the baby soft hair of his fledgling. The sweet child leaned into the affectionate touch.

The child stopped sucking after a good 20 minutes and tried to move his head sideways with eyes till closed. He was sore and sleepy and a confused little boy. He moaned in pain. Severus sat forward in worry. These paternal instincts have already kicked in and Severus lamented. 'What about his image?' The irritating voice in his head mocked him for thinking after the deed is done like impulsive Gryffindors. But what could he do? The child was looking impossibly forlorn and he could smell mind numbing despair from the youth. He knew for a fact that not Headmaster, not Minerva and not even his mutt of a Godfather was taking care of the child. Deep eyes bags and short naps in his potions class were few signs that attested to the fact that boy was suffering from night terrors for months and how could he ignore the little amount of food the already small child eats during each meal?, he observes the child from staff table but it seems as if every other adult is blind to his suffering. And when the little boy was trudging on the castle grounds with those impossibly sad, wide emerald eyes shared by Lily he just couldn't control himself, couldn't control his instincts to sire a child, to spread his blood, to take the boy under his wings and protect him, make him happy .

All adult vampires have innate instincts to mate and reproduce as soon as possible but they can only do so with those they love and in his case his love of life and possible mate is already dead. His beautiful Lily; the best friend with whom we had spent the most peaceful and wondrous days of his life, the happiest, most carefree moments. Severus shook himself from reminiscing and looked down towards the child who was groggily looking around the room and hadn't noticed Severus yet.

"Harry" Severus said softly. Harry on his part woke up completely disoriented in a new place. He looked around the dimly lit room. The room was decorated in blacks and blues which were giving it a masculine look. The huge fireplace was lit with fire burning merrily in hearth yet the room was very cold and Harry realized he was already shivering a little. He tried to remember how he came here and took deep breaths to quell the panic he was starting to feel waking up in a totally foreign room. He suddenly remembered everything with a jolt, the tall man, the forest, his kidnapping! His breath started coming in short gasps and the panic returned tenfold. Suddenly something moved in his vision at the foot of the bed and heard a soft Harry from his side. Startled, Harry looked upwards as Professor Snape came in view. He was utterly confused at this point. 'Why was Professor Snape here? Was he a deatheater as Ron used to say? Or did he bring me here on Dumbledore's orders? Was he my kidnapper or my rescuer as he had been in past.' His first answer was kidnapper but then he remembered all the times through many years he accused Snape but the same man saved him in the end. Seeing confusion and questions in Harry's eyes Severus said "You are at my home Mr. Pot...Harry"

"Pr'fessor? But why I am here?" Harry asked wearily

He tried to get up but a few unsuccessful and weak attempts, the large hand of Professor on his chest gently pushed him back. Harry slumped again on the soft mattress and pillows beneath him. He was still gazing at Professor Snape confusedly. Severus knew that he would have to explain the situation once the child woke up but now he didn't know how to divert the disaster that is surely coming.

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