Welcome to the World, Harry!

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All rights belong to the author, JacksonFrost

Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew appeared in the front yard of the tiny house in Godric's Hollow one after the other. After Peter appeared, adjusting his glasses, Sirius nodded at the other two.

"Right, then," he said firmly. "Shall we go in?"

Remus rolled his eyes. "We'll knock first."

"That's what I meant, of course," muttered Sirius, but he stepped aside as Remus strode up to the front door and gingerly knocked.

"A little louder than that!" cried Sirius, annoyed.

"Well, I don't want to disturb Lily," Remus hissed.

The door flung open. Remus and Sirius stepped back and Peter all but fell backwards. It was James. His face split into a grin a second after seeing them, and he hugged them one-by-one.

"Is the baby here yet?" Sirius asked, slapping James on the back.

James' face fell. "Not yet. Lily's in a ton of pain, I better get back to her. Come on."

Sirius, Remus, and Peter followed him; despite the nervous glances they threw at each other and Peter muttering something about "not wanting to bother her."

James led them into the master bedroom where Lily lay on the bed, her red hair fanned out on the pillow and her face chalky white.

"Lil, look who's here to see you," James said with a forced enthusiasm. He had worry etched on every line of his face as he sat down next to his wife.

Lily smiled at the three visitors. "Hi guys. Here to welcome the newest Marauder?"

Sirius laughed. "I hope he didn't inherit his mother's distaste for breaking the rules."

"Or she," Lily reminded, amid the others' laugh. "We didn't find out the sex of the-" She broke off, and grabbed James' hand, biting her lip in evident pain.

"Lily?" Peter asked cluelessly, and Remus hit him.

"Does she need anything, James?" he asked quietly.

James, massaging his wife's shoulders, shook his head. "It'll pass in a few seconds. Wormtail, don't wet yourself, it's just a contraction. She's been having them for hours, ever since her water broke this morning."

Sirius winced in sympathy for Lily. "Ow."

As the contraction passed, Lily sat back up, gasping for breath. "James," she said urgently, ignoring the others. "I think it's time, they're getting closer and closer and stronger."

"Well, what do you want to do?" James asked helplessly.

"I want to go to a hospital!" Lily cried.

Sirius, James, and Peter looked at her blankly but Remus nodded in understanding. "Don't look so daft, Prongs, that's a St. Mungo's for Muggles. They have doctors who can deliver the baby, but Lily, I don't think we can get you there."

Lily cried out as another contraction hit her. James looked wildly at Remus. "Moony, we're getting her this hos-hospital right now!" To Lily, he said in a soothing voice, "Don't worry dear, I'll take you by Side-Along Apparation."

Lily seemed incapable of answering at the moment, so Remus spoke for her. "Don't be an idiot. The Muggles will notice if you two just appear outside their hospital doors!"

"I don't bloody care about what the Muggles notice!" James roared.

Remus cut over him. "And furthermore, Lily's in no condition to Apparate, by Side-Along or not. It'll most likely seriously hurt the baby, if not her as well."

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