If I Had Only Known

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All rights belong to the author, KissThis2010

Severus Snape led a laughing Lily Evans out into the rain. It was near midnight at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They were sixth years, a Slytherin and a Gryffindor. They had been studying in the library until the librarian kicked them out. Ever since age ten, the two had been best of friends. Severus, an abused, neglected child looking for the chance of friendship, and Lily, the ecstatic, brilliant girl looking for an explanation to the 'magic' she had been doing. Bored out of their minds, the two were sprinting through the rain for adventure in their overly tight schedules.

"Sev, where are we going?" Lily laughed as Severus dragged her along through the light drizzle of rain. "We are going to get soaked!"

"Lighten up, Lily. Even a prefect needs to have some fun every once in a while." She giggled as they splashed through a puddle.

"This is your idea of fun?"

"You're laughing aren't you?" He stopped, grinning madly. Lily was happy to see him smiling; it was something she had not seen in a long time. Stress from school and home got to the young man. They faced each other, water dripping off their eyelashes and clothes. For a moment, Severus stood still, staring at her.

"Yes, I'm laughing. Severus Snape made me laugh." Her smile stayed as his fingers brushed her cheek. Her eyes gave him permission.

Severus and Lily kissed beneath the rain that night for the first and last time of their lives. In that perfect moment, they had no idea what was to come. They did not know the next morning Severus would cross a line and loose Lily's friendship forever. They did not know the people they trusted would betray them. If they had only known.

i I would hold your hand
Like a life line to my heart
Underneath the thunder we'd be warm
If I had only known
It was our last walk in the rain /i

Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang walked hand in hand under a clear blue sky on the quiet afternoon after Halloween's ceremony. Cedric had been chosen to be Hogwarts' representative in the Tri-Wizarding Tournament. Cho had voiced her worries and now there was nothing to say. She was proud of him, of course. It was an honor to be chosen over then entire school to compete, but it was dangerous.

"Cedric, what I'm trying to say is, I'm happy you get this chance to prove yourself." He smiled at her.

"Really? All this time you were worrying over whether or not I would live, you were really expressing that you were happy I am competing," he teased. Someone really needed to get the girl some talking lessons. How hard was it to say, 'I'm proud of you'?

"How many people can say that they're dating a champion?" Cho stood on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. They walked a bit more, until a sudden downpour began to drench them. Cedric had been about to say something, but instead thunder cracked loud overhead.

"The sun is still shining! How can it be raining?" Cedric looked up at the sky, scolding. Cho giggled as they joined the other students running for cover.

"I guess there will be a rainbow." Cedric rolled his eyes and grasped her hand as they sprinted in. Once under the cover of Hogwarts they stared out a window on the rain spoiling a perfect day.

"Cho, no matter what happens...will you promise to love me?" Cho looked at him in surprise. They had never said 'I love you' before. "I know we said we wouldn't get that serious, but I do love you Cho."

"Cedric...I'm not sure if 'love' is the right word. Love is a big deal." She took a step back and released his hand. She saw his face fall, but he nodded. "I'm sorry. Maybe, if we are still dating next year. Cedric, please understand."

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