Order of the Puns

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All rights belong to the author, PowerOfFail

Rain pummeled the ground as it pelted to earth from the grey clouds above. The only sounds heard outside the security of the oddly-shaped house was the even rhythm of pitter patter, pitter patter of the raindrops as they fell in their steady, unceasing dissent as the storm raged on.

The wind howled and tried to cut through the home, trying to steal the warmth of the fire within on the night that was oddly cold for so late in June. The wind was unsuccessful in spiriting away the comfort the hearth provided.

Inside the house held up by magic, people were speaking to one another in quiet tones or milling about, holding a cup of steaming hot chocolate in their hands as they attempted to warm up from the commute to the temporary base of the Order of the Phoenix.

'Oh, where are they? They were to be here half an hour ago!' said a plump woman with vivid red hair anxiously.

'They'll be here, Mum, quit worrying,' commented a lanky boy with equally fiery hair.

'You know they just enjoy vexing you,' said the boy's sister, looking up from their intense game of chess, 'they're probably late on purpose; either that or they're working on an experiment.'

Their mother nodded then walked over to the window, wringing her hands slightly, muttering, 'but I wish they would come on time. These days it's not safe...'

Just then, two cracks could barely be made out through the howling of the wind before being silenced by the ongoing rain. Two redheads, obviously kin to the brother, sister, and mother inside, appeared before the front door. Without hesitation, the one on the left pushed the door open. They were immediately met by many wands pointed in their direction.

The foremost of the two held up his hands and smiled before saying, 'it's just us!'

'Honestly, surely you remember us, Gred and Forge! Mum, have you really forgotten your own sons? I mean we moved out, but...' said the second of the two with a slight shake of his head.

'You have come late. We have reasonable cause to demand that you answer—' began a tall Auror near the stairs.

'Ah, but Kingsley, who would impersonate George? Think of the face they would have to live with if they decided to infiltrate the Order as him.' Interrupted the first twin.

'You have the same face as me, dolt, so they might as well try getting in as you as well. Besides, two Death Eaters trying to take on a majority of the Order stand a better chance than one alone.' commented George.

'Personally,' said the girl, 'I think that if they were Death Eaters, they'd have attacked first before trying to justify themselves. After all, if they thought you suspected who they were...' she let her sentence trail, waited a moment, then said, 'But then, no one could impersonate their stupidity this well, it must be them.'

'Thanks, Gin, I knew we could count on you for back up.' Fred replied dryly.

'I s'ppose when you put it that way...' said a woman with dull mousey-brown hair.

'Glad to know what the Order thinks of us, Tonks. Now, if we could come in before we catch a cold and die of it?' George said, adding a little sniffle to the end of his sentence for emphasis.

Wands were hastily put away as the twins made their way inside. They made sure to make a show of shaking their heads and send water flying in all directions as well as to wring out the sleeves of their robes while bouncing up and down so everyone could hear the squish-squelsh of the water in their shoes. This went on for a while before Ron suggested that they just use their wands to dry themselves.

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