(1) Valentines Day

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All rights belong to the author, HGxSSAlways

In was early Sunday morning as Severus was having himself a bowl of porridge for breakfast. The Great Hall was decorated with brightly colored hearts in red, white and pink. The house elves dressed as cupids, cupcakes and little hearts. They were barging into rooms delivering Valentines, Severus felt bad enough for the house elves. But Merlin can't anyone let them have a little dignity.

Merlin, to Severus this was the absolutely the more insufferable day of the year, he hated most all holidays but Valentines day he despised deeply. There's wasn't a Goddamn thing in this place (excluding his office) that wasn't drenched in pink hearts, white flowers, rainbows, winking smiley faces and unicorns. Severus couldn't understand why people would indulge in this commercialistic holiday and reduce their entire relationship with cards, cheap ass flowers, chocolate or some other pointless cheap object. Unless they feel superior to those you have better things to do then partake in this commercialization, materialism, Hallmark so called holiday. Everything in this room was making Severus sick.

Speaking about things that were making Severus sick. The 'Disgrace' of the Dark Arts Professor was seating down next to Severus at the staff table, his spot at the table was overcrowded with flowers, candy and cards from silly little girls. Lockhart's cloak was even more flamboyant, then normal with a mixture of some many colors. It was like a rainbow threw up all over him. The boastful, curly blonde idiot was looking at a reflection of himself in a small hand held mirror. He was fixing his hair and looked to be memorialize by his own reflection.

"Beautiful as always." Lockhart cheerfully smiled, speaking to his reflection. "Prefect, absolutely prefect."

Severus thought throughout the term whether or not Azkaban was worth killing this fool. He was still, outraged that Dumbledore choose this guy over him. Severus rolled his eyes at Lockhart's childishly glee when, little girls and few young boys were giving him Valentines.. At least he thought the older students would have more self respect, but no a few handful gave Lockhart Valentines as well.

"Severus, these silly little girls with their crushes." Lockhart said cheerfully with a giant grin. Severus just drank his coffee ignore the showboat. "Aww, here comes another one. I love fan mail." Severus ignored him and read his paper.

"Umm, little girl?" Lockhart said, he sounded totally confessed.

"Umm... professor?" Severus, heard a sly quiet voice, "Professor Snape?" Severus lowered the paper and saw the insufferable little know-it-all standing in front of him. She looked nervous, and was tremblingly. She was holding a small card and a cup that read 'World's Best Potion Master'.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" He said, his tone made her a little nervous.

"Umm, happy Valentines day professor." Hermione smiled, she quickly placed Severus's card and cup on the table and ran back to the Gryffindor table. Severus was left stunned, and smiled at seeing the look of jealous and speechlessness on Lockhart's face. For the rest of the year, Severus always used the cup Hermione gave him for meals, and Lockhart shallow little ego couldn't take it.

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