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All rights belong to the author, VictoryStarr

Severus stepped back from the Christmas tree and surveyed his work. Popcorn wove elegantly around the tree on a thin strand of string, some pieces glowing green or red from the tiny lights surrounding them.

"This is a really great idea, Daddy. I'm glad we made the popcorn string," his son grinned up at him from the floor, where he sat admiring the tree.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall is just full of good ideas, isn't she?" Severus reached for a handful of buttered popcorn out of the bowl on the end table beside the couch. "You can thank her tomorrow."

The seven-year-old boy stood up and popped a piece of popcorn in his mouth. "How come we never done this before?"

"Never 'did', Harry," Severus chided.

"Sorry. Did. So how come?"

"The popcorn you mean?"

Harry nodded.

"Because," said Severus, "You would have eaten it."

"Would not have," Harry said, clearly indignant. He went behind the couch and started dragging a large cardboard box of ornaments to the center of the room.

Severus popped a few more pieces of popcorn into his mouth. He lifted the box into his arms and set it down on the couch.

"Yes, you would have," he reached into the box and pulled out a small, framed picture of a three-year old Harry, waving at the camera with grubby, chocolate covered fingers. He held it out to his son. "You ate everything when you were a baby. Or you tried to anyway."

"Hmph," Harry took the picture and hung it on the tree. "That's just cause I was curious. I wanted to know what things tasted like. Maybe some of it was tasty. I wanted to know."

"And you are still just as curious, if not more. If popcorn goes missing off this tree, I will know just who to blame it on," Severus smirked, hanging a tiny red bulb. "And Santa will too."

"That's not true! Santa don't care if we eat the popcorn," Harry paused from digging through the box to glare at his father.

"Doesn't care."

"Well, he doesn't! He just cares about being good and doing your schoolwork and stuff like that. Not popcorn. 'sides, if I can't eat it off the tree, then you can't either," Harry said. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'd never do such a thing," said Severus with a huff.

The boy laughed. "Yes, you would. I know you like popcorn."

Severus grimaced. "Hang up your ornaments, son. Bedtime remains at 8 o'clock, whether you have finished or not."

Harry turned back to his work and Severus reached for a few more pieces of popcorn. The child was becoming far too smart and aware these days. He was seven, after all. It wouldn't be long now and he would be sitting beneath the Sorting Hat in front of the Great Hall. And then, Severus thought grimly, he really would have his hands full.

They continued to hang up decorations on the tree, and Severus listened quietly for the most part while his song chattered on endlessly about all the decorations that had been going up around Hogwarts earlier that day. Finally, they came to the bottom of the box. It was empty now, save for a single, smaller box sitting inside.

Harry looked up at him. "Now it's time for the special part, right?"

Severus stooped and pulled out the second box. He flipped open the lid and lowered his hands so that the boy could see inside. Harry stared at the contents intently and silent. He always took this part of the decorating seriously, but tonight Severus thought he could see a more thoughtful expression in his son's green eyes.

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