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All rights belong to the author, SeverusDraconiusPotter

Harry sighed as he watched the trees blowing in the wind. It was the Christmas Holidays and he was one of the only 4 students staying at Hogwarts this year. Hermione and Ron were spending time with their families and couldn't stay with him this year. He didn't really know the other kids except for their name, they were each in a different house and he didn't really speak to them. It also sucked because this would be the year where Snape was the teacher who stayed behind to watch them. He was currently sitting outside because he had no desire to get a detention during his break, and he wouldn't put it past Snape to give him one. The lake looked lovely and Harry had always wanted to go ice skating, but he never could the Durselys wouldn't allow it. Rubbing his arms to ward off the chill he could feel coming through his thin clothes, he had an idea. Perhaps I could go ice skating here, he thought. But then he remembered that you were never supposed to go skating on a frozen lake by yourself because anything could happened. He sighed again, now what was he supposed to do? He was startled out of his musings when Hannah the only Huffelpuff staying sat down next to him.

"Hey Hannah, what are you doing out here?"

"Hi Harry, I wanted to see what you were up too. The lake looks pretty when it's frozen huh?"

"Yea it does, I wish I could skate on it though, I always wanted to try it."

"Well why don't you, I don't think they have a rule against it."

"I have nobody to skate with, knowing my luck I'll fall in and drown."

"No you won't, and you could skate with me or Josh, or Theo."

"Right, maybe you or Josh , but I wouldn't put it past Nott to hex me."

"I don't think he would, he's not like Draco."

"Whatever I guess," he said.

"I'm gonna go ask them, I'll be back ok?"

"Alright, see you in a little bit."

Harry watched her walk off and the minute she was out of sight he allowed a small smile to grace his face, he was actually feeling happy for once. He covered his mouth as a chuckle escaped him, he would finally get to skate and he couldn't wait. Taking his wand out of his pocket he transfigured his shoes to iceskates, and smiled when he ended up with a pair of hockey ones. By the time she came back he was ready to get on the ice, he looked at her to see she had brought both students. He didn't know what to say, they had never really talked to one another so he planned on staying quiet. He rubbed his arms again, wishing he had put on another sweater from Mrs. Weaseley, he was getting cold.

"Harry they agreed, they don't mind skating with us."

"Yea, I've gone loads of times and it's actually pretty fun. Although if you're a beginner trust me when I say you will fall down again and again," Theo replied.

"Well I guess I'm gonna fall again and again," Josh replied laughing.

Harry smiled he agreed with Josh 100%, he waited as they transfigured their shoes and then they all headed down to the lake. Harry watched Theo and Hannah as they checked to make sure the lake was pretty frozen and they deemed it ok. They slowly got on the ice with Harry and Josh following them at the pace of a snail. He stared in wonder as they skated gracefully together, looking as if they had been doing it their whole lives. He turned back around and looked at Josh who had tried to glide and ended up falling, Harry reached a hand to help him up and end up falling in return. He laughed as they both struggled to get back on their feet. The ice was freezing and he could feel it seeping through his clothes, but he ignored the chill for now.

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