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All rights belong to the author, HeadGirl91

It was so quiet. Peaceful.

I didn't want to open my eyes.

If I opened my eyes, it would all be real. I would be in the Hospital Wing, Voldemort would be alive, and Cedric would be dead.


My Cedric.


The voice sounded so familiar.

No... It couldn't be.


Even more insistent. Should I ignore it? Was it a trick? It couldn't be real. I wanted it to be real. I wanted it to be real so much.

I opened my eyes wearily, to see Cedric smiling down at me.

"Hey Seeker," Cedric leaned down to give me a kiss on the forehead. "Time to get up, lazybones. You can't lie around here all morning, you know. It's an important day."

Cedric. Here. Now. Alive.

"Y-you're dead." I was starting to cry. I couldn't stop the tears falling down my cheeks. Why were they doing this to me? Hadn't I suffered enough?

Cedric frowned. "Harry? What's wrong? I'm here, baby."

I shook my head. "You're not here. This isn't real. He killed you."

I wanted to go back to sleep. Why were they taunting me? My Cedric was dead. Gone. Murdered.

"Harry, I'm here. It was just a dream. I'll never leave you. I told you that, remember? I will never leave you."

I wanted to believe him. I really wanted to believe him. I closed my eyes, praying to whoever was listening that it was true.



"Do you promise?"

There was no answer.

I opened my eyes again and Cedric was gone. In his place was...


I looked into... my... eyes.

Avada Kedavra green.

A blast of green light. Something heavy falling to the ground. Scar. Pain. Cedric. Dead.

I tilted my head and considered myself on the bed.

"I did it."

It was so quiet that I couldn't really hear it very clearly. But I knew what was said, because... I said it.

I held up my palms.

Red. Blood.



Crimson blood falling to the cold, white hospital floor.

"I did it," I repeated louder. I smiled a humourless smile. "I killed him." I went on. I felt colder with every word I said. "I loved him, and I killed him."

"N-no!" I denied, shaking my head, tears streaming down my face. "I didn't do it! It was Voldemort! I didn't do it!" I was sobbing by now.

I shook my head, smile still in place. "No," I whispered. "It was me. It's my fault. I killed him. He's dead and it's my fault."


"It's my fault."


"I killed him."

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