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All rights belong to the author, RainCityWriter

Harry stood before Dumbledore again at the end of the year, in that tradition that made Harry uncomfortable but also helped to explain everything. They had gone over what had happened, what Voldemort would likely do next, and what he needed to do that summer.

"There is one other thing," Dumbledore told him with a note of firmness in his voice. "There is one relationship that needs to be mended."

"Who, professor?" Harry asked. "Ron and I . . . "

"No, I'm talking about Severus." Dumbledore interrupted, crossing his fingers. "You saw some memories not meant for you and that has ended your occlumency lessons."

"Yes, sir," Harry admitted. "I know I should not have done so, but he was just so harsh and I really wanted to know . . ."

"Well, the cost of that choice is that he has ended lessons with you, and those are lessons that you need to master if you are to defeat Voldemort," Dumbledore brutally pointed out.

"I can try to apologize," Harry offered, but they both heard how hollow that offer really was.

"I have a different idea," Dumbledore told him, placing what looked like a regular school disciplinary cane on the desk.

"What is that for?" Harry asked, though he knew. His stomach felt drenched in ice water.

"You will take this cane and give it to Professor Snape, asking him to punish you for what you did with my blessing," Dumbledore directed, watching Harry closely.

"I cannot do that, professor!" Harry gasped. "He would kill me!"

"Is that really what you fear, Harry?" Dumbledore asked, leaning back in his chair. "Or is it really that you cannot bring yourself to humble yourself before a man you have wronged?"

"He is a man that has bullied me at every turn!" Harry protested. "What would he do with a Dumbledore-sanctioned beating?"

"I have asked you to trust me, Harry, many times when you really had no reason to do so." Dumbledore looked sad as he acknowledged this, but pressed on, "You need to trust me again. And there is the small fact that you do deserve it, and have since your first week of school here when you flew on that broomstick without permission."

"You knew about that?" Harry half laughed.

"Of course."

"If I am to be punished, couldn't you do it? Or even professor McGonagall?" Harry asked in what he hoped was a mature and not a panicking voice. "I don't think I can stand it to be Snape."

"It must be Professor Snape," Dumbledore replied, his voice much firmer. "And it must be tonight; this is something you both need. I expect you to take that cane to him now, I believe he is in his office at this hour. Then I want you to return the cane to me afterwards."

"I have never been caned before," Harry admitted, taking the cane off the desk with trepidation. "Mistreated many times, mind you, but never caned."

"Do not fear," Dumbledore assured him. "This cane has an enchantment on it, of course. It will only inflict upon you a just punishment; though not many know this limit. So, if Professor Snape's opinion of your just punishment should exceed that which the cane has decreed, you shall not feel pain. However, I would yelp a bit if I were you so he doesn't get frustrated."

"I will do this," Harry promised, turning towards the door. "But this is by far the hardest thing you have asked."

"I know that," Dumbledore answered simply. "You must trust that this is necessary."

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