Opinions from the Beyond

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All rights belong to the author, Margo Vizzini-Montoya

"That was a pretty good speech by Harry, if I do say so myself," commented what sounds to be like James, the Proud Papa.

"It was very wise, indeed, James," agreed and humored, the amused and equally proud mother, Lily.

"Of course, I have always said that he inherited your wisdom along with your eyes," he boasted.

"To bad it didn't extend to his naming skills," interjected what most assuredly was the voice of Sirius.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" challenged Lily in her most deadly soft voice.

"Only that I disagree with his name choices," Sirius answered, either not realizing the danger he was in or very much aware, and enjoying it immensely. "I mean, come on. James Sirius? If he was going to name the kid after us, it should have been Sirius James, of course."

"Really, Padfoot?"

"Yes, really Padfoot?" Lily concurred. "That would have been an oxymoron and not very applicable."


"Hey!" protested James, which sent Sirius into a loud barking fit of laughter.

Once Sirius had recovered, he said, "That was a joke, Lily, a bad one, but a joke, nevertheless. There is hope for you yet."

"Sirius-ly, she has a point," piped up the voice of one Nymphadora Tonks.

"Not you too, Cousin!"

"Can't take what you used to dish out?" huffed Remus bemusedly.

His mumbled protest of something along the lines of being "age 12 at the time" was overridden by Lily's comment, "I like the names that Harry has chosen for his kids, especially Albus Severus."

A derisive snort and a muttered "typical Gryffindor sentimentality" could be heard in response.

"True, the names are sentimental in nature, Severus, but I, for one, feel honored and surprised that Harry respected me enough to do so."

Two derisive snorts could be heard.

(Longer pause.)

"Merlin's beard! Who would have thought the day would ever come ..." Tonks finally expressed what everyone else was thinking.

"Padfoot and Snivellus agreeing? Not – Oomph! I mean, Severus agreeing? Not me," and as an aside, "That hurt, Lily."

"I do believe Miss Granger once argued for such an occasion," Dumbledore informed, "but it had more to do with Harry's safety than the current topic."

"Well, I don't know about Sniv – Severus, but I happen to think it is ridiculous that Harry honors this meddling wizard Machokelly, Machonelly, - valley..."

"Machiavelli," both Lily and Remus supplied.

"Wizard Machiavelli, thank you, after all he did to Harry," finished Sirius.

"This whole conversation is ridiculous," Snape scathingly declared.

"I did what I thought best, Sirius," Dumbledore stated softly.

(Pause, an exceedingly uncomfortable one.)

It is again broken by Tonks, "Well, I'm just glad that they didn't stick with the trend of naming their kids after the fallen."

"Yes, having you leave me to go express your displeasure of 'saddling the handle of Lily Nymphadora Potter on the poor child' was not something I was looking forward to," Remus affirmed amusedly. "Lily Luna was a much better choice."

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