Don't Just Clear Your Mind

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All rights belong to the author, LadyVukako

Harry found Ron and Hermione in the common room after he finished with his first Occlumency lesson with Snape. He sat down in the armchair beside Ron and watched as he obliterated Hermione in a game of Wizard's chess. He sighed and leaned back, closing his eyes against the incoming headache.

"So how'd it go?" Hermione asked genially, looking up from the chess board after watching her King surrender his crown to Ron's knight.

Her curious face quickly morphed to a concerned one as she noticed Harry's slightly trembling hands as he messaged his temples.

"Harry?" She inquired softly.

Ron looked up from putting away the chess set at the tone in Hermione's voice and turned to Harry.

"Bloody hell mate, you look horrid! What did that greasy git do to you!?" He exclaimed loudly when he, too, noticed the state Harry was in.

Harry winced at both the volume of Ron's exclamation and the fact people were now staring at them to see what was going on.

"Honestly Ronald!" Hermione sighed, shaking her head and rolling her eyes before turning her attention back to Harry.

"What happened Harry? What did he say?" she asked quietly.

"Forget what he said! What the hell did he do?" Ron exclaimed once more, though thankfully much more quietly so that the others in the common room grew bored and turned away.

Harry frowned as he thought about the last hour or so.

"He said a lot of things, he explained how mind is a complex and many-layered thing, before sliding in an insinuation that mine may not be complicated in the least. He explained that I need these lessons because Voldemort probably knows I've been seeing through his eyes and will use it to his advantage if I don't learn occlumency but at the same time he said something about how those who wear their heart on their sleeve are too weak and pathetic to learn occlumency in the least. Then he consecutively told me to clear my mind, to shut off my emotions before casting Legilimency on me to see inside my head."

Hermione leaned forward eagerly as Harry explained, a quill and parchment in her lap as she took notes and started marking down things she wanted to look up in the library. Ron, on the other hand, looked appalled.

"What do you mean You-Know-Who will use it to his advantage?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed in frustration, still writing.

"Oh honestly Ron, it's obvious. If Harry can see through You-Know-Who's eyes, what's stopping him from seeing through Harry's?" She explained before looking imploringly at Harry.

"Harry you really have to work hard at this. This is important and dangerous. Think of all the information You-Know-Who can get if you don't." She said, her expression imploring Harry to understand.

"Don't you think I know that!" Harry exclaimed, leaning forward and growling in frustration as he ran his fingers roughly through his hair.

"I tried Hermione! I did! But the more I tried to clear my mind, the more full it seemed to get. My mind began running a mile a minute about anything and everything!" He explained, his own tone imploring her just as much to understand what he was trying to say.

Ron looked back and forth between his two friend confusedly.

"Well if you can't clear your mind, why not let it fill up like it's been trying to do." He suggested with a shrug of his shoulder.

Harry and Hermione both turned to look at him, Harry confusedly and Hermione with a clearly exasperated look on her face. Ron frowned and leaned forward, scooting up in his chair to get closer.

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