A Happy Start

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All rights belong to the author, yogirl2

"Not Harry... not harry!"

"Stand aside you silly girl!"

"Have mercy... take me instead... not Harry!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

The killing curse then hit the red-haired woman, ending the protesting shouts.

The mother was none other than Lily Potter, saving her baby. She had tried all things, from shouting to begging, to save her child, but the snack headed devil did not have any heart. If he had, then he could have understood the love of a mother.

"Avada Kedavra!" Lord Voldemort shouted the curse towards the child to end his misery. But then something unforgettable happened. It is known that the unforgivable curses could not be blocked nor survived, yet before the curse could reach the child, it bounced back and hit Voldemort with full force, making him mortal once and for all.

That Halloween night, a mother's love had protected her child. That fateful night, Lily had left only her body in the world. She was, now, only a living soul. The mother had remained there to protect her son. How could she bear to see her baby love to be killed! So when the devil shot the green curse, she had thrown herself before Harry. The killing curse could not kill the already-dead person, so it had bounded back towards its caster. And then, Voldemort had died, ending his journey in this world to rot in hell.

A raven-haired, one year old child, who was staring with wide, tearful eyes from his crib, started to cry. His innocent mind had not understood anything, but he had known that something bad had happened.

Lily, who couldn't bear to see her baby in tears, started to hum a lullaby, which calmed baby Harry into a blissful sleep.

"Oh my child! . . . I will be always there for you..., and watch you... until someone loves you more than me...!".

10 years later, at Hogwarts:

A raven-haired, skinny boy, wearing hideously large round glasses and clothes for someone triple his size, was slowly entering the castle with his best friend, Ron, and was feeling very nervous. He was walking slowly, not trying to faint.

Yes, friends! Unlike at Private Drive, where he couldn't be friends with anyone due to Dudley, he now had Ron, who already knew about magic, and Hermione, new to this world just like him. The raven-head's friend had also told him about the four houses. And he promised him that they will always be friends, no matter where they will be sorted.

The young child was placed under the care of his Aunt Petunia when he was one, as he had no other living relatives. When he had gained the knowledge of the surroundings, he had been commanded only to obey and serve. At the Dursley's, they had made it clear to him never use the "M" word.

Young Harry could not deny how happy he was when he was informed that he was a wizard. He had also found out that his parents had gone to Hogwarts and were killed trying to protect him. Unlike what the Dursleys had told him; that he was an unwanted burden whose parents had died in a drunken driving accident. And more importantly, the raven haired boy was happy that he will be able to live without Dursleys!. For a whole year! They never loved him, nor cared for him.

But what if people realize what a burden I am and reject me? I cannot bear to think about that now. I will always try my very best and not will I ask for anything and I will try to study a lot.

The child shook his head to get rid of such heart-breaking thoughts.

Upon entering Hogwarts, he couldn't stop feeling so happy. He started to stare here and there in awe. The castle ceiling was enchanted with floating, flickering candles, as Hermione had told them. There were moving pictures hanging on the wall, which were talking, and ghosts were floating around everywhere. Yes, this world was really like a fairytale to him. Soon, he joined the other newcomers standing to be sorted.

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