To Never Forget You

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All rights belong to the author, singintoyourself

My best friend lay dying. This couldn't be happening. Hermione Granger was the last member of the so-called "Golden Trio", and she was dying of a cancer that no one could stop. The brightest team of Healers couldn't do anything but try to make her comfortable in her last days. She was still in pain though. I went to see her at my lunch hour, just as I had every day since her diagnosis. Her beautiful brown curls were gone; a side effect of the powerful spells that were cast to try and kill her cancer. She looked weak and was pale. I could see the purple veins in her arms.

I opened the door to Room Forty Five; a room I had come to hate. It was bland and seemed to scream of loneliness and death. She was lying on her bed, a book propped in her hand. Despite the situation, I smiled to myself. Hermione's books brought her comfort in her darkest times, and now was no different. The book she was reading now was, of course, 'Hogwarts, A History'. She glanced up and saw me standing in the doorway.

"Ginny!" She said, a slow smile lighting up her face. "Come in!"

"Do you always have that book on you?" I asked. She glared at me.

"I'm always finding out new things from it. You should really try reading it."

"No thanks. I went to Hogwarts, and I learned more from you then from some silly book." I said, trying to keep my voice under control. I didn't want her to see my pain. I knew she was going to leave me, just like everyone else did. Hermione and I were the only ones who had survived the final battle. Harry died, but he took Voldemort down with him. Ron had taken a Killing Curse that had been aimed for Hermione, and the rest of my family had died in different parts of the war. Our combined losses were more horrific then what we could handle. I had no one but Hermione left. After the war, we got a flat in London together. We spent the first week crying ourselves to sleep at night, and doing nothing during the day. The nights were worse. Ron and Hermione had gotten married right after Hogwarts. She wasn't used to being alone. Hermione became depressed, and was on the verge of committing suicide. About two weeks after Ron's death, she learned she was pregnant. I expected her to be incredibly heartbroken to be expecting a child that the father would never know, but instead, she was elated. Ron would still be with her, in the form of a baby. Hermione was excited to have this baby. Then, a month after she learned she was pregnant, she miscarried. We were back in the cycle of crying ourselves to sleep for a child who would never live. I too, felt the pain Hermione was going through. Harry had just proposed to me before the final battle. He said that he wanted me to have the ring, even if he died, just to remind me of him. I still wear that ring. It was the only thing, save Hermione, that gave me comfort in the long days after the war. I mourned the loss of a life with Harry, and she mourned the loss of her family. She was my support system and I was hers. When Hermione was diagnosed with lung cancer, we were both shocked. Hermione had never once in her life smoked; she was one of the healthiest people I knew. Her good health, however, lead everyone to believe she was fine, so the cancer went untreated for a long time.

We finally learned that Hermione was ill when she collapsed after walking around our block. She barely made it home. When I opened the door for her she fell into my arms, and I immediately apparated us to St. Mungo's. Four hours of tests later, the results came back. She was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma, which, at the time, was nothing but a very big word. She was checked into the hospital, and whisked off to several different rooms with specialists and medicine that would hopefully cure her. I was sent home for rest, but I came back an hour later to bring her her things and to be with her. Hermione was scared. It was one of the first times that I really saw her afraid. Whenever she went into battle with Harry and Ron, she never was frightened. She said it was because she felt no one could harm him with her two best friends at her side. Now, all she had was me-a constant reminder of both of the most important men in her life.

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