(2) Learning to Trust

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All rights belong to the author, IAmJohnLocvkedForLife

Harry felt like he could run forever and that's what he wanted to do. He wanted to run as far away from the school as possible and never come back. He was running down the main staircase, taking the stairs two at a time. There was no one there to stop him, so he was at the great hall quickly. He didn't realize what happened when he was thrown to the ground. Had Snape come back to fight Harry again?

"What do you want!" Harry shouted, his voice echoing back to him in the empty hall.

"What'd I do, Harry?" Hagrid questioned.

"Oh, I'm sorry Hagrid. I wasn't yelling at you." Harry stood up wiping tears from his eyes.

"Yer alright, Harry?" He questioned. "Yer really shouldn' be out after dark, ya know."

"I'm fine Hagrid. I was just at the headmaster's office."

"Why yer runnin' then? Yer seem righ' bit angry. Is there something wrong?"

"NO....I...um..." Harry stammered, looking for a good explanation.

"Harry." A voice called from behind him.

The boy whirled around and the look on his face was filled with poison. Dumbledore was standing just beyond the entrance of the great hall.

"Harry, can you please follow me?" Dumbledore questioned, and without waiting for an answer, he walked away.

Harry felt like he should still run, but something told him to follow Dumbledore. He said goodbye to Hagrid and followed the headmaster into an empty classroom. When both men were in the room, Dumbledore tapped the doorknob with his wand then pointed it at the door.

"We can speak freely now. Harry, I would like you to explain what happened in my office just now."

"You know exactly what happened." Harry shouted. "Snape almost punched me, which is something he's wanted to do since I got here. He's been out to get me from day one."

"Harry, Professor Snape is a teacher at this school. His number one priority is the safety of the students. That is beside the point, however. Why do you think he tried to hit you?"

"He was angry at me." Harry stated rather harshly. He was seething in anger.

"Did you force him to be angry at you?"

"He's always angry at me."

"Harry." Dumbledore warned.

"But he is." Harry informed the headmaster.

"Does he have a right to be angry at you after the names that you called him?" Dumbledore raised his voice a little at the end.

"Yes, but he doesn't have a right to hit me."

"True." Dumbledore confessed. "Why do you think he would not allow you to fight alongside him?"

"He's a death eater and he didn't want to be seen with me."

"Harry, you have a right to think these things, but you DO NOT have the right to say them to his face!" Dumbledore raised his voice even more, causing Harry to become intimidated. "Do you think that you were being disrespectful?"

"Yes, but he's disrespectful to me as well. He called me an arrogant bastard."

"Professor Snape has issues letting go of old rivalries." Dumbledore stated. "How do you that your mother did not love Professor Snape?"

"I don't but..." Harry began to argue, but Dumbledore cut him off.

"Do you think that Professor Snape is sorry about the way that he acted?"

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