The Day She Said Yes

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All rights belong to the author, Gyotso

James had been patrolling the corridors with his wand out most of the night.

The Minister of Magic had declared a state of emergency in the growing war, warning the entire wizarding world of the dark lord Voldemort's growing strength.

James Potter and his counterpart, Lily Evans, were among the handful of seventh year students that had opted to join Albus Dumbledore's secret society in order to defeat Voldemort. However, since they were still in school (and underage for another few months), they were forced to guard the castle at night instead of enjoying traditional Friday night celebrations.

He turned a corner and saw something out of the corner of his eye. He wordlessly disarmed his opponent with an expert stroke of his wand and illuminated the tip to better see the wand flying toward him.

He caught it with the reflexive ability of a seeker, although he was a chaser, and pointed his wand at the frame that he'd disarmed.

"Lily?" James asked in surprise. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"I thought I heard something," she lied.

"Three floors down from the dormitory?" James asked disbelievingly. "You're supposed to be on watch tomorrow night."

"I know that, James," she said, attempting to sound snide. "But I couldn't sleep. You happy?"

"Go back to bed," he said, tossing her her wand. "I've got this tonight. You've got Hogsmeade in the morning."

She averted his gaze, wishing that she'd never mentioned her planned Hogsmeade trip during one of their Head Boy/Girl meetings.

The two had become a lot closer over the past couple months, being the two Heads of Students made that a lot easier. But a huge part of it came from the fact that James was no longer chasing her, hexing Snape, or even being the arrogant jerk he'd been for the first few years they'd been at Hogwarts.

She was supposed to be going to the small village outside Hogwarts with a boy named Marcus, who was in the year below her, but her heart wasn't really in it. Her friend, Marlene, had convinced her to tell James (and go with Marcus in the first place) although Lily couldn't be sure why. She'd suspected that it was because Marlene was under the impression that Lily had a thing for James. But that was the last thing that could ever happen.


James's soft utterance of her name dragged her away from her own mind and reminded her that he was right in front of her.

"Are you okay?" He asked, awkwardly touching her shoulder.

"I'm fine, Potter." Lily responded, walking off before James could say anything else.

James followed Lily to the Common Room quietly, even though she knew he was still behind her. She could feel his brown, dough eyes on her every step. She felt her heartbeat pound.

A clatter off to the side corridor drew James's attention, although Lily did not hear it. She turned and saw that he'd gone off in another direction, and she walked after him slowly, not wanting to let him see that she was curious.

James saw a knocked over knight's armor on the ground. According to legend, Godric Gryffindor himself wore it in one of the greatest battles in history before wizardkind went into hiding from man. James inspected the armor before scoping out the area, not seeing anyone.

"Homenum revelio," James whispered, seeing three bodies of heat besides his own in the corridor. "I don't know who you are, but step out slowly."

"Saint Potter." A boy with greasy black hair appeared out of nothing, standing beside another boy that had his wand out. "Playing cop to Dumbledore."

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