The Slytherin Tie

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All rights belong to the author, angelps7

The secret was out.

Hermione stared down at the deceiving object, and then looked at Draco.

Honestly, was there a worse way for people to find out?


It all started a few months ago when Draco Malfoy cornered Hermione Granger in the hallways, on her way outside to the grounds.

"Granger! Pleasant day isn't it?"

"Get to your point, please," Hermione said impatiently.

"Alright, okay." He kept staring ahead as they walked.

Hermione glanced sideways at him. "Well?"

"I have reason to believe you don't hate me." He smirked.

"I- what?"

"I don't think you hate me."

"And what gives you that idea? Sure, it's more of an extreme dislike than hate, but-"

"Are you attracted to me?" Malfoy had asked, smirking.

They both halted in the empty hallway.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Of course not. Honestly, you are so full of yourself."

"I beg to differ."

"Trust me, nothing about you attracts me."

"So if I stand closer, you wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not."

He thinned the space between them. Four feet... three... two.



Now less than a foot away.

Hermione felt herself grow hot. Subconsciously she loosened her collar. Malfoy noticed this and grinned.

"Really now, tell me you don't feel... hot? A bit dizzy? .... Hermione?"

Hearing him say her name caused her to shudder involuntarily. But Hermione wouldn't break. She wouldn't be like those silly girls who turned into putty in Malfoy's presence. No matter how handsome he looked, his defined jaw, mischievous grey blue eyes...

She pushed him away. "Nope. I don't feel anything." She took a deep breath and walked away, leaving a smiling Malfoy behind.

He knew she had felt it. She'd licked her lips and her eyes had drooped.

And that breath... that breath told all.

After that moment, he wouldn't stop pestering her. The insults abruptly stopped; teasing grins and winks replaced them; desirable taunts rather than demeaning ones. He'd follow her mercilessly, tease her in classes, and occasionally corner her in situations similar to the previous conversation. For three weeks this continued, and for three weeks Hermione suffered. Deciding she'd had enough of his antics, she wanted to retaliate.

Malfoy stopped her once again on the second floor, in a deserted corridor which held a shortcut to the library.

After his usual "I know you're attracted to me Granger" comments and such, she spoke.

"Fine then," she led him to an old classroom nearby. "Kiss me, then."

His eyes widened. "What?" he stepped back, surprised.

She'd turned the tables.

"Kiss me. If we feel anything in that kiss, we'll go from there."

He raised an eyebrow. "Gladly."

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