Remembering When

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All rights belong to the author, AncientSky

He straightened his glasses and looked in the mirror. His black hair stood up in all directions as always and he tried to flatten it as much as he could. Today was the day. One week had passed since the battle had ended. Since so many loved ones had perished in the attempt to defend. Since he had sacrificed himself to save those he loved. Since he brought down Voldemort.

Now everyone was once again gathered in a common outpouring of grief and comfort. The official memorial service was today, and Harry had been asked to speak. Normally he tried to avoid things of this nature if it was possible, but he had been strangely compelled to agree to speak. He had something to share.

The last of the funerals had taken place the day before. No one had begun to heal yet, but that would only come with time.

He looked at his watch. He had five minutes before he needed to leave. After only somewhat successfully taming his hair, he gave himself a quick glance over to make sure he wasn't forgetting anything, stowed his wand up the sleeve of his robes, and walked outside. The bright sunshine and cloudless sky seemed to be mocking the occasion, and only served to highlight the contrasting depression of the event.

The memorial ceremony itself was to be held on Hogwarts grounds as the house elves had just finished repairing the damage to the outside of the castle. Harry knew what they would see if they walked inside, but from the outside the castle looked pristine and untarnished. The only difference on the grounds was the slanted rectangular monument placed about twenty feet directly behind a white marble tomb. The monument was made of the same material as the tomb with dimensions five feet long and three feet wide, with the top being about four feet off the ground and the bottom of the rectangle a few centimeters above the ground. If one were close enough they could see the scrolling inscriptions. Along the bottom of the rectangle more than a hundred names were artfully engraved, each one the name of a person who had perished while fighting in the second war against Voldemort. Harry walked over to the monument and watched as the name Frederick Weasley was highlighted. In the center of the monument new words appeared.

Frederick Weasley

Known by his friends and family as Fred, Mr. Weasley was

A dedicated member of Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix

As well as part owner of the shop Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes.

He perished at the age of 19 in the Battle of Hogwarts.

He leaves behind his parents, five brothers including his twin, George Weasley, and his sister.

Remember Fred Weasley.

And so it went on. But one particular name caught Harry's attention when it appeared in the middle of the monument.

Severus Snape

Long time potions master and headmaster of Hogwarts for one year,

Severus Snape was a member of the Order of the Phoenix,

And a double agent working for the light against Voldemort.

Though he leaves behind no family,

He leaves behind a conflicted legacy that all would do well to remember:

That even though we make mistakes does not mean we cannot later make the right choices.

Remember Severus Snape.

Harry stood there captivated as name after name scrolled across, all with the message to remember the person. He turned away when he began to feel tears slip down his face. He wiped them away, and then went to go find his seat. The monument was perfect. Because remembering what happened one week ago, and over the past few years was what was important. Remembering the past shaped the future. And Harry wanted to make sure that everyone understood that.

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