Chapter 3: Julius is Jenny

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  • Dedicated to Tommy Tutone

After the meet up with the wonderful Julius Oceans, I stared at the little slip of paper he had given to me- BY HAND!

It said:

"Here is mah # fatty 867-5309"

I HOPE ITS REALZ! I decided .0918 seconds ago that I was officially, utterly in love with Julius Oceans! it was meant to be! I think love him as much as I love Chrissa Stands Strong - well maybe not that much.

I didn't want to look too desperate so I waited .125 seconds before calling him when I got home.

After 3.14159265 rings and a slice a pie, he finally answered.

"Hello, Cashew," he responded.

"Sup dawg, let's make out," I said a little too immediately.

Since he was at his house and I at mine, we just decided to make kissy noises through the phone.

After that, my tongue was very num. "I think you're ugly, Fat Cashew," Julius said.

"That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me," I responded. Usually people call me hideous and obese. I can feel him smiling through the phone.

"Julius, can you be my boyfriend?" There is a long silence and I get scared.

"Fatty, I'm gay."

"But you made kissy noises to me."

"I'm still 90.080489% gay."

"Well, don't be gay then."

"I will be your GBF."

I sigh into the phone and say fine.

"Okie Dokie?"he says.

"Okie Dokie."

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