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"Section Four Article Three

No relationships within the organization are allowed--Not with someone in the same department, not someone above you, nor under you, nor any players."

I scoffed. Me? In a relationship? I didn't think so. I was forever alone, not looking for someone, and certainly didn't want to lose my dream job with the New England Patriots-- Besides, I wasn't going to be anywhere near the players, nor were there any guys in my department. It would never be a problem.

It was about three weeks into the job that one of the media interns quit, and there was no one to take all of those infamous videos of games that appear on Snapchat or Twitter. Being the newbie, I wasn't set in my new spot long enough to know to say no-- I accepted the offer to work the Social Media for the game-- JUST the game... That didn't happen.

It was my sixth practice of the season when I met those beautiful brown eyes in person for the first time. "Mr. Amendola, could you take this and tell snapchat what the team is up to during these past few practices," I asked as he began to walk toward the locker room.

He stopped about two feet in front of me, his head tilted a bit, and his eyes slightly squinted. "Aren't you the girl that was just hired for the communications department? This is an interns job," he pointed out with one of his dark eyebrows raised.

I shrugged but nodded. "Yeah. The intern quit though, Mr. Amendola... But you didn't answer my question... Would you be willing to take a video for Pats Nation, please?"

"Well, first off, you can call me Danny... Mr. Amendola is my dad... And second... I'd love to... But only if I can take you out on a date," he said, shining his pearly whites at me.

"Mr. Amen- Danny... With all due respect... I'm sorry but no... That--That wouldn't be very professional," I replied as my heart began to pump.

Danny let out a sigh, but nodded in understanding. "I suppose that's true... But no one needs to know."

I sighed and shook my head. "Would you be willing to take a video or not?"

"I suppose I can do that for ya, pretty lady." His smile was big. I couldn't help but blush.

I handed the phone to him as he put his helmet on the ground. "Hey Pats Nation! Not much longer until Sunday! Gotta keep that grind going! Don't forget to come out to the first game of the season! Go Pats kid!"

"Thank you," I said with a big smile on my face.

Danny smiled back as he handed me the phone. "Thank you... Uh..."

"Kristene," I replied quickly.

"Well Kristene, thank you. Are you use you must say no to a date," he asked, his brown eyes sparking with a bit of hope.

I sighed and shook my head. "Unfortunately, I cannot. I enjoy my job too much to want to be fired."

"How about a performance related goal? One of your choice..." He trailed off, those beautiful eyes looking into mine.

I let out a sigh. "Fine. Two touchdowns and 150 receiving yards. That's the deal."

A cute smirk made its way onto his face and he nodded. "You got it, Krissy..." He stuck out his sweaty hand.

I reluctantly took it as I rolled my eyes. "Good luck, Mr. Amendola."

It was his turn to roll his eyes before he ran off toward the lockers rooms.

As he ran away I couldn't help but think 'What did I just get myself into?'


Needless to say, Danny Smashed the performance goal. He had three touchdowns and 186 years receiving. As he made his way toward the tunnel that night, he shot me a smirk and a wink.

White Lie | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now