Chapter 10

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** Kristene's POV **

"Daniel James Amendola," I said through gritted teeth as I marched through his front door.

"Uh... Hi to you, too, babe. It's great to see you again," Danny said. He shut the door and turned to face me with a confused look on his face.

I rolled my eyes and shot him an unamused look. "You need to get your best fucking friend over here right this instant. I've got a colorful choice of words for him right about fucking now," I complained as I shot him a death glare.

Danny's soft brown eyes looked back at me as he slowly inched toward me. As he did so, my demeanor got lesser. "Babe, what did he do," he asked. His voice was light as his warm hands met mine.

I looked up into his eyes and most of my worries went away. "Huh? Krissy, what did Jules do now," he asked as his grip on my hands got a little tighter.

I let out a sigh and tore my eyes away from his. I ducked my head down so my forehead was resting against his warm, muscular chest. "I hate Julian so much right now," I grumbled, defeated. I pulled my head away from his chest as I looked up at him and met his eyes again. "Vicki came up to me today and asked me why I didn't tell her about us. And god! I was so humiliated. She wanted to know what was happening and said that Julian told her about you and me! We went to lunch because of course I didn't want to talk about it... I had to spill everything about you and me..."

"Babe... It's fine. You trust her, right," he asked as one of his hands left mine and moved up to my cheeks. I nodded slowly. "It's fine, babe."

I sighed and nodded. "I just... I need to talk to Julian..." I told him again. "I-I don't want him talking to anyone else about us." I looked into his eyes as my lips began to quiver.

"That's not what's bothering you, is it babe," Danny asked with a small sigh. I shook my head. "Let's move over to the couch. Okay?"

The two of us moved over to the couch. He sat down and pulled me with him. "Now, babe, what's wrong? What else happened today?"

I looked down at his hands gripping mine. His thumb ran back and forth on the back of my hand, which made me look back up to meet those beautiful brown peepers. "I saw Ryan today," I told him as tears finally began to fall from my eyes.

"What do you me- You mean your ex? The one that's a piece of trash," Danny asked with wide eyes as he looked down at me. The grip he had on my hands got even tighter. "The one that cheated?"

I nodded. "Yeah," I said as I choked on a sob.

"Oh babe," he said as he pulled me into him, holding my head to his chest as I began to cry even harder. "It's okay. It is."

I shook my head as I pulled away from him. "No, its not! He comes up to the table and takes our orders and.. And when he brought the check he wrote his number on it with a heart and a little love letter thing saying he missed me... Danny, I never want to see him again. Not ever," I cried.

Danny let out a sigh and nodded, pulling me back into him. His large hand moved up and down my back as he tried to calm me down. "Shh... It's okay, Krissy. It's okay."

Ten minutes later, I'd finally stopped crying, but my breathing was extremely uneven. As I got it under control, he pulled away and wiped my tears from my cheeks. "You're beautiful, Kris. I love you. I love you so fuckin' much. You're my everything. If he ever approaches you again, I will be there. He never deserved you in the first place," he said as his soft brown eyes looked down at me. "Are you okay?"

I sniffled as I looked into his eyes. "I think so," I whispered. "Thank you for being my rock. I don't know what I would do without you."

"I could say the exact same thing to you. Without you, all I'd have is Julian to hang out with," he replied with a small smirk.

I rolled my eyes and let out an obnoxious laugh. "Oh shut up," I said as I shook my head and pulled from his grip. As I did so, it became apparent that there was a rather large wet spot on his grey shirt. "I'm sorry about getting your shirt really wet."

He looked down at it and shrugged. "It's no big deal, babe. I'm just glad that you are okay." He said. "Do... Do you still want me to call Jules over?"

I sucked in a breath and nodded. "Yes."


I was sat on the couch, sipping tea, twenty minutes later when there was a knocking at the door. Danny moved my feet from his lap and stood to answer it.

"Okay, so why the hell did you need me over here ASAP? I like just started taking a nap when you ca- oh hey Kris... When you called... Now what's u- oh fuck! Kris!" Julian looked at me with wide eyes.

I sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. "Come sit, Julian... Come sit," I whispered as I motioned to the reclining chair adjacent to me.

Julian shot Danny an unsure look before slowly moving over toward me and sitting down in the recliner. "Before you say anything, Kris, please know that I am so sorry. I never meant to tell Vicki... I just freaked out and told her," Julian said. His blue eyes were wide.

"And? How the hell am I... Are we," I added as Danny moved in and sat next to me on the couch. He draped his arm over my shoulder. "Are we supposed to trust that you won't be telling anyone else? It's already scary enough knowing that we could be found out!"

Danny rubbed my shoulder soothingly as he nodded. "She's right man..."

Julian put his face in his hands as he shook his head. "I know. And I am so fucking sorry. I'll watch myself more carefully," he said, his voice muffled.

I sighed as I leaned into Danny. "Julian... we... I'm not trying to yell at you. I'm not. I-I'm just trying to protect us, Jules," I said in a soft voice.

Julian looked up, his blue eyes watery. "I know, Kris. I swear I will watch my words and who I am talking to," Julian informed with a sigh. "I swear!"

I nodded as Danny did the same. "We trust ya, man... Don't stress... Just make sure you watch yourself, Jules," Danny said slowly. "We don't want anything happening."

Julian nodded. "I will. I'm sorry, you guys."

I put my hand on Danny's knee and nodded. "It's fine, Julian... Now could you please tell me how it went with Vicki!?"

A large smile made its way to Julian's face.

Thanks for reading! :)

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