Chapter 18

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** Kristene's POV **

I fell down on to my couch and pulled the big fuzzy blanket on top of me. Silence surrounded me. I didn't want to do a thing, I couldn't do a thing. I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to sleep, I didn't even want to think.

My heart was broken once again. I hadn't felt anything like it before. The crack in my heart felt so much deeper, and so much more painful than the one from the one I had from Ryan.

I sniffled as I looked up at the ceiling and shook my head. "Today never happened. This is all just a dream... You and Danny still have your meeting with Coach B and Mr. Kraft in the morning... You and Danny will live happily ever after. No if's, and's or but's," I told myself.

Danny... I let my eyes fell shut, and an image of Danny instantly painted my vision. The sweet, sexy, beautiful man that I'd fallen in love with. I already missed that warm touch that would encase me after cold games, or rough days... Or the soft touch of his lips exploring my body, smashing into my lips-- his stubble tickling my skin.

My breath hitched as I got closer to crying.

If Danny were there, he would have stopped me from crying. Would have comforted me as much as he could-- would have made it all better. But he wasn't there... Nor could he help... He caused it. I was like this because he broke my heart.

A knocking at my door made my eyes snap open. I was staring at the white ceiling again as I tried to build up the energy to even push the blanket off of me. I couldn't even push it off of me.

"Come on Kris... Open the door," Vicki's voice called from the other side of the door. "Please... I need to make sure you're okay!"

"I'm not," I whispered, knowing she couldn't hear what I was saying. "I hate my life."

"Please Kristene... I've got a visitor here for you," she called again as she banged on the door. "Please."

I let out a sigh and kicked the blanket off of me. My head was pounding from all the crying I'd done since I got home. When I pulled the door open, it revealed Vicki standing there with a paper bag in her hand, and Melvin looking up at me with his tongue stuck out.

With a sniffle I looked at her and shook my head. "What are you doing here," I asked, feeling like I was going to start crying again.

"Well," Vicki said, her blue eyes full of concern. "I had a feeling you haven't eaten at all... So I picked up Noodles and brought this guy over." Melvin let out a small bark.

I looked down at him, then back up to Vicki and moved to the side to let them in. "Please tell me you go-," I was instantly cut off by her.

"Spaghetti and meatballs. You act like I don't even know you," Vicki replied with a smile. "Living room or kitchen?"

"Living room," I mumbled as the three of us made our ways into the living room. I took my normal spot on the couch and she sat down next to me, placing the bag on the coffee table. "Thank you for bringing this... Even though I don't have much of an appetite."

Vicki patted the spot on the couch in between us, where my blanket was balled up, and Melvin jumped up, resting his head on my lap. I leaned down and began petting his head. "Hi, buddy... How are you," I asked, looking down into his caramel colored eyes.

He just looked up at me, with his big puppy dog eyes.

"Here you go," Vicki mumbled as she pulled the first bowl out from the paper bag. "And here is your fork." She handed me the fork.

I pulled the cover off the bowl, and pulled the fork from the plastic.

"Have you tried contacting him," she asked as she leaned forward and turned the TV on with the remote.

I looked at her with a "really?" look. "What do you think? I don't even want to hear his voice right now, Vicki... He took my heart and stomped on it... For what? So he would be able to play in the full game instead of half the game? We talked about it... And then it came time for the meeting and he completely said the opposite of what we decided."

Vicki sighed and glanced over at my phone that was sitting on the coffee table. "Have you even looked at your phone?"

I eyed my phone as she reached forward to grab it. "No... I haven't. I don't even want to think about it... If... If I used my phone I'd probably text him and tell him I hate him... But I don't. I don't hate him," I mumbled, feeling the tears come on. "I still love him."

Vicki sighed as she picked it up and turned it on. "I know you don't, hun... But if he doesn't truly love you... Then what was the point of continuing to string it all along? If he was going to call it quits, then you were better off with it happening now," she pointed out as she handed me my phone. "And you see? Not a single message from him. He doesn't deserve you."

"I loved him... I still love him," I mumbled as tears began to roll down my face. "My heart is shattered, Vicki." I leaned forward and put my food down on the table. "He ruined me! He fucking ruined me! I-I..." I shook my head as I stuffed my face in my hands.

Vicki let out a sigh, and then there was a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, Hun... You're better off," she said. "You still get the opportunity to be head of communications, the ultimate dream job."

"But you won't be there," I let out as I began to sob harder. I looked up to meet her blue eyes and felt even more broke. "All of the people in the office are assholes! I mean there won't be anyone around anymore for me to talk to over lunch! All I'll hear is shitty gossip... And God! The looks I'll get-- the looks I've already gotten because of all the pictures! I don't want to be with the Patriots anymore!" I was practically screaming at her, but I couldn't help it. I needed to let it all out. "I don't know what to do-," I was cut off by Melvin standing up, and completely crawling on my lap as his snout was pressed against my chest.

"I-I just..." I choked on another sob as I wrapped around him. "I can't do this..."

Happy Friday? I don't know if I can be happy with these two torn apart... BUT it's Super Bowl weekend! Hell yeah!!!

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