Chapter 30

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** Kristene's POV **

Danny shifted his car into park and looked over at me as he killed the engine. "It's so good to finally be back," he said. "Thank you for coming to Texas with me." He placed his hand on my knee.

"It was fun. It was nice that you showed me around a bit, too. I really appreciate it," I told him with a smile. "Your place is beautiful."

He chuckled and looked down at his lap. "It'll be our place one day," he said. "It'll be our vacation home. I promise you that, Kristene. Hopefully we can take a vacation out there this upcoming off season... Ya know, spend longer than three days."

I nodded. "That would be great," I replied. "Now, we can't stay in the car forever. It's almost eight! We have to watch this week's episode of Hell's Kitchen," I told him with a giggle. "I don't want to miss it this week!"

Danny playfully rolled his eyes as he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his car door. "Okay, let's head inside then," he said as he handed me his keys. "You head up, I'll go grab my mail. It's been a while since I've gotten it."

I took his keys from his hand and nodded. "Okay... You want me to make us some popcorn," I asked, getting giddy at the thought of just relaxing and watching TV with him, like we used to.

"Of course! The stuff with the extra butter," he said. "I am allowed to cheat a bit... Especially on our lazy nights!" He let out a chuckle as he swung his legs to the side and popped his trunk.

I smiled as I unbuckled and got out of the car myself. Before he could grab his bags, I walked around to the back, where I met him. His hands grasped my hips as I got on my tiptoes to press my lips against his. "Thank you for these past three days," I whispered as I pulled away and looked him right in the eye.

"You're welcome, babe... Thank you for coming with me," he said as he pulled away and turned to his trunk to grab the one bag he brought back from Texas. "Now head up! Or we won't be upstairs in time!"

I giggled as I leaned in and smacked a kiss on his cheek before turning around and strutting my way to the corridor with the elevator. Before I could make it through the doors, the sound of a trunk slamming shut echoed, and then Danny called after me. "Why must you tease me like that?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Don't know," I called over my shoulder as the door shut behind me. I hit the elevator button and the doors instantly slid open. As I stepped in, I looked toward Danny though the glass doors, winked at him, and stepped into the elevator.

I pressed the button for his floor as the doors slid shut and patiently waited as it moved up. "Ugh. Finally," I mumbled once I was on his floor, walking toward his door with the keys in my hands. "Cannot wait to relax and do nothing." As I moved to slide the key into the lock, another door opened somewhere down the hall.

"I see you and Amendola are back together," an all too familiar voice said from behind me. I froze, not knowing what to do. Before I had time to do anything, a hand was on my shoulder and I was being turned around. I was slammed up against the wall, and that was when I met those crazy green eyes.

** Danny's POV **

I swiped my key card to get into the mailroom, then made my way to my mailbox. Once I put my combination in, the little silver door came popping open. "Jesus," I mumbled. I didn't remember missing that many days of mail. I slid all fifteen-ish envelopes, as well as the small little package, out of it and put it down on the table in front of me.

"Ugh," I gumbled as I began carding through all of the envelopes. "Power Bill...Phone Bill... Confirmation of Paycheck... Letter from cousin Mike...Bill... From Sports Illustrated?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked to make sure it was addressed to the right person. I didn't get a subscription from Sports Illustrated...

Ryan Fuller Apartment H15... That was right down the hall from me. Ryan Fuller? Why did that name sound so familiar? I shook my head as I looked for his mailbox so I could slide it in. Once I found it, I slid it in the slot, then stared at the name for a second. "R. Fuller H15"

Why did the name sound so famili—That was when it clicked. Ryan! That was who I'd talked to in the elevator... That was my new neighbor... And he was upstairs... Just feet away from my front door. Fuck. How did I not recognize the asshole who assaulted Kris in the parking lot?

"Fuck," I said, my eyes going wide as I picked up my mail and stuffed it in my bag. "Kristene is alone!" I don't think I ever ran so fast. I made my way to the elevator and pressed the button, of course, the doors didn't immediately open. "Jesus christ," I growled as I ran toward the end of the hall where the staircase was.

This was when I was thankful for the hours upon hours we spent running the stadium steps. "Please be okay, Kris... Please babe," I said as I made my way up.

Around the 10th floor, I began to get winded, but I had to power on-- I had to make sure my girl was okay. I couldn't let her get hurt under my watch again. When I got up to my floor, I burst through the door, ran down the hall, and turned the corner. "Kristene," I called as I dropped my bag and darted as fast as I could toward where Ryan was holding her up against the wall by pressing his forearm against her throat.

Ryan's head snapped in my direction, and he let go of her, causing her to fall to the floor, gasping for hair. "You fucking asshole," I screamed as I wound up to throw a punch.

He had a cocky smirk on his face as he stood there. "A little late to the party, huh Amendola," he asked, and let out a laugh.

Just as I made it to him, I threw my fist out, hitting him square in the jaw. His arm left Kris' neck, but but I could even get my fist back, I took one right to the eye. I stumbled back and managed to catch my balance as he came back for another. His fist met my jaw this time, sending me right back.

As I collapsed on the ground, blood began to fill my mouth. He stood above me, pushed my shoulder back with his foot and completely put all his weight on me. There was a pop in my shoulder and I let out a groan. "She's mine, Amendola. Leave her alone, other wise worse will be happening next time," he warned as he continued to walk down the hall. "I trust you will not tell anyone about this... Buh bye now." He disappeared down the hall.

Over my dead body.

I managed to get myself up on my good arm, and made my way over to Kristene, who was slowly blinking-- fading fast.

"Kristene! Stay with me! Please Babe! I'm about to call 911!"

I sat down in front of her and pulled my phone out of my back pocket. As I was connected with the operator, her small hand moved up to grab mine.

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