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THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO HAS READ THIS! It means so much that you've stuck with me!

"Celtics win! Celtics win," the announcer called as green and white confetti began exploding around the arena.

I jumped up and launched myself into Danny's arms. "They did it," I screamed, as I wrapped my arms around him and jumped up and down. "Oh my god!" I pulled back a bit and smiled up at Danny. His big brown eyes were looking back at me as he smiled.

It was like time was stood still. The past year and nine months were the best ones, despite the month break in there. I couldn't help but love him more every day that we spent together. He was my everything.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by Julian coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around Danny and me-- Squishing me between the two of them. "They fucking won! My girl is apart of a championship winning organization! Fuck yeah," Julian screamed into my ear, overly excited.

He pulled away, officially letting me out of the football player sandwich. I pulled from Danny and grabbed his hand. "Why don't you go find your girl then?! Congratulate her! We'll find y'all in a bit," I called over all of the noise in the building.

His blue eyes went wide as he looked back at me. "Oh shit! I should! Where is she," he said as he turned to look around the crowd of people all over the court. He looked back over at Danny and me. "Do either of you see her?"

Danny and I both shook our heads, causing him to turn around and look about for his girl. I rolled my eyes and looked up at Danny. "He sure knows how to ruin a moment, huh," I asked as I playfully rolled my eyes.

Danny nodded. "He sure does... But he's just excited for his girl... Just like I'd be excited for you and the Red Sox winning the World Series," he said with a shrug. His hand gripped mine a little tighter.

I tilted my head and thought about it. He was right. I'm sure he'd be pretty excited-- I know I would be. "We should probably help Jules find Vicki," I told him, looking back up to meet those brown eyes again.

"Yeah, we probably should," he replied as he but a hand at the small of my back and began moving me forward, weaving through the crowd.


I stumbled into the hotel room, then turned around to face Danny who was locking the door. When he turned around, his brown eyes looked up at me with a soft, caring look. "You feeling okay, babe," he asked with a smirk as he moved in closer.

It was like I was glued to where I was standing. I only watched as he moved in closer. Once his large hands grasped my hips, I brought my hands up and placed them flat on his chest, still looking up into those eyes. "Uh... Yeah," I whispered, not realizing that all the air was knocked from my lungs. How could one man be so perfect?

Danny let out a chuckle as he shook his head. "You sure, babe? You're a little tipsy right now," he stated, those brown eyes looking into mine. "Do you want me to run you a bath? You've had a long day...A long week."

My small hands grasped his black shirt, fisting it in my hands. "Will you take one with me," I asked, my eyes wide. "I don't want to be alone right now," I whined, playfully pouting and giving him the puppy dog eyes.

Danny smiled as he let go of my waist, leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips. "Well, I suppose," he says in a sarcastic tone with a playful eye roll. "Okay, you gonna let go, Krissy? I'll go start the water. You get ready, okay?"

I nodded as I let him pull my hands away from his shirt. He stalked off to the bathroom as I moved toward the bed and kicked off my shoes. Then, I stripped the rest of my clothes— leaving them in a pile in front of the bed. Next, I moved over to grab the robe off of the bed. As I slid the robe on, the sound of the water running in the bathroom echoed through the room. As I sat the the edge of the bed, my shoulders slumped— it wasn't going to be much longer until I was able to relax.

White Lie | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now