Chapter 20

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** Kristene's POV **

I pulled my jacket on and slid on my snow boots. It was only 20 degrees out, and it would only get worse once the sun began falling in the sky, so I needed to bundle up as well as I could. Just as I began feeling my pockets to make sure I had the phone for social media videos, there was a knock at my door.

"Come in," I said as I leaned over and grabbed my hat as well as some gloves.

Vicki popped her head in with a big smile on her face. "You ready for this? It's playoff time, baby," she exclaimed as she slid into the room.

I let out a small chuckle and nodded. "Oh yeah! For sure! It's not above freezing! And it's not like I can stand with all the guys by the heaters," I joked with a smile. "I hate the colder games. I was born and raised here and still hate it!"

Vicki chuckled and nodded. "I just keep telling myself that after the season is over, I'll be working for a sport that is only played indoors," she replied as she pulled a hat out of her jacket pocket.

I nodded. "Oh yeah... I definitely should've applied for a team that plays indoors or in the south where 50 is cold to them," I told her with a chuckle. "So, who is gonna win today?"

Vicki rolled her eyes playfully and shoved me in the shoulder. "Oh! Come on! The Ravens do not stand a chance against our boys-- oh... Uh... I mean the Pats," she quickly changed what she said, a pink painting her cheeks.

I let out a sigh and shook my head. "You know it! Our team is gonna kick some Raven's ass," I told her with a smile.

"You ready to head down? Into that horrid cold," she asked as I pulled my hat on my head and began ushering her toward the door.

"Uh..." I patted my pockets to make sure I had my stuff, then nodded. "Yes, I am... I've got everything I need. And Stella has the Snapchat Spectacles... Lets go! I gotta catch warm ups!"

The two of us headed to the elevator, joking around about what was coming up during the game, and at half time... Placing playful bets on how fast Flacco would be sat, or who would have the most touchdowns on the Pats.

When we got down to ground level, it was all time for business, and not joking around. We exchanged a fist bump, then went our separate ways to work on our pregame routines.

I shuffled out onto the sidelines and let out a long breath, I could instantly see my breath, which made me feel even colder. I pulled the phone out of my pocket and began taking videos of the teams' pregame routines.

Julian was over on the sideline drinking some water, Tom tossing the footballs to Chris Hogan, Ryan Allen doing his pregame laps, and... And Danny... doing his stretches, looking directly at me.

A shiver was spent down my spine as I quickly turned away and moved toward people in the crowd, taking videos of them and their signs.

There was no way he could've been looking at me. He didn't care about me anymore... He didn't. He broke up with me. Luckily, I convinced myself it was just my imagination in just a few minutes.


Somehow, I managed to make it through the game... both without freezing to death, and without walking out from Danny constantly looking at me any time I'd glace in his direction.

After all the guys went into the locker room, my job was done. I posted the last video that Julian took where he was celebrating the win and then made my way down the back halls so I could take the elevator back to the office, where I'd finalize stuff for the game on social media.

Of course, I didn't make it back to the office as soon as I wanted to-- Someone stopped me by calling my name...

** Danny's POV **

"Dude, are you okay," Julian called from behind me. He picked his pace up and put a hand on my shoulder while we walked into the locker room. I turned to see his caring blue eyes looking back at me.

I shrugged, but nodded. "Uh... I guess... I mean... Yeah," I mumbled as I looked toward the ground and sat down by my locker.

Julian let out a sigh as he sat down next to me. "Is... It this about seeing Kristene today? I know you kept glancing over at her," Julian said, concern painting his face.

I bit my lip and nodded. "Yeah... I-I... It was the first time I've seen her since... Since... God... Why am I such an idiot? I miss her, Jules," I said and shook my head. "The past six days have been hell... She hasn't be around for Practices... And now... She shows up to take videos today... It took me by surprise-- knocked the wind out of me, man."

Julian let out a sigh. "If... If it helps you any, I think she felt the same way today," Julian said in a soft tone. "Vicki kept shooting me worried looks about her."

I looked up and met his blue eyes, hope sparking deep in my chest. "A-Are you sure?" I questioned in shock. "She has to hate me, man. I humiliated her in front of her boss."

Julian shook his head. "She's just as torn up as you are. She's still nervous about Ryan, too. You should see her when she walks into the building every day," he mumbled. "I feel bad for her."

"Has... Has the restraining order passed," I asked, my eyes going a bit wider. I completely forgot about Ryan... About that bastard. Even if she wasn't mine... I'd beat the shit out of him time and time again if he went after her.

Julian let out a sigh. "I don't know... Vicki and I never ask... Why... Why don't you go ask? I literally just gave her the company phone back and chased after you. I'm sure she's headed toward the elevator still," he said.

My eyes went wide. He was right. I did need to talk to her. "Y-You're right man... I-I gotta talk to her," I said as I hopped up and began pulling my pads off.

I didn't have time. I kicked my cleats off and ran out of the locker room. I padded across the cold floors of the stadium until I got to the staff elevator, where she was standing waiting for the doors to slide open.

"K-Kris," I called, stopped dead in my tracks. She looked up, and I began moving again. "Kristene! Please! I need to talk to you!"

She had the look of pure shock on her face as I approached her. "What do you want, Danny," she asked, her silky voice cold-- but her blue eyes full surprise.

"I-I..." I looked down and let out a sigh-- This wasn't right-- she hated me. She wouldn't want me back. I let out another sigh— this one was full of defeat. "Have... Have the papers with for the stuff with Ryan gone through?" God, could I sound any stupider?

"Not yet," was as all she said. The doors slid open to the elevator and she let out a sigh. "I need to go."

And me, being the idiot I was, stood there still, watching her walk into the elevator. The doors closed and I shook my head-- what was I thinking? What was I expecting? I broke her heart. Why would she want to talk to me?

If you're already following me, you may know that I will have another Danny story coming out soon! It will be a spin off of CrownOfThorns22 's book "He Who Moves A Mountain...". It will be stories of Danny and his on again off again girlfriend!

ALSO: This current book will have the total of the prologue, 32 chapters, and an Epilogue.

Thanks for all the feed back y'all! Next update tomorrow!!!

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