Chapter 9

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** Kristene's POV **

"Thank you for the wonderful day and a half," I said as I walked into Danny's bedroom while putting on an earing. "I've never had such a relaxing Christmas. And I love this ruby bracelet you got me."

Danny smiled as he walked out of his closet, pulling an athletic shirt over his head

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Danny smiled as he walked out of his closet, pulling an athletic shirt over his head. "This was one of my best Christmas', too. I'm glad you wanted to spend it with me," he thanked as he moved up to me. He placed a kiss on my cheek and watched as I pulled on my black button up and buttoned it. "And I loved my whiskey and new dress shirt."

I shook my head as I sat down on the bed and looked up at him with a sigh. "Why is it always so hard to leave this place," I asked as I looked around.

"Maybe because you've got to work now... Oh! And or course because I'm so awesome and you're leaving me," he joked as he sat next to me. "Well, lucky you, we are both leaving at the same time."

I rolled my eyes, but agreed.

Once we were both finally dressed, we ate our breakfasts, then made our way out of the apartment. I walked a bit ahead of him, so he reached forward and grabbed my hand, pulling me back into him.

"I love you, Krissy," he whispered as his lips met mine.

I ran a hand through his hair. "I love you more," I told him before placing another kiss to his soft lips. "But... now we must be headed to work!" I smiled up at him and made my way to the elevators. "I'll see you later."

His soft brown eyes stayed attached to mine as I stepped into the elevator, and the doors slowly slid shut.


"Why didn't you tell me," Vicki asked as she rushed into my office and closed the door. She flopped down in the chair in front of me and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Tell you about Julian?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. I leaned back in my chair as I shut my laptop. "He told me to keep quiet about it until he went to talk to you. I still cannot believe he did it on Christmas. Then again he celebrates Hanukkah, so it was just another day to him."

She tilted her head to the side as she crossed her arms and gave me an unamused look. "Come on, Kristene. You know exactly what I am talking about right now," she said in a flat voice.

I shook my head. "What are you talking about? Julian likes you, and he went to your place to talk to you about it. He came into my office and asked me about it on Wednesday before I left," I told her, hoping she would believe me. "How didn't you know? He danced with you monday night!"

"Kristene, stop. He told me about you and Danny," she said as she looked at me and raised both eyebrows. Fuck. "You've got some explaining to do."

Only Julian would slip like that. Jesus christ. That man drove me nuts.

I let out a sigh and nodded. "Okay... Lets... Lets go to lunch. I will explain there. This isn't the place for this conversation," I mumbled, defeated. I leaned down and grabbed my purse from the ground next to my desk.

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