Chapter 29

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I let out a sigh as I began to wake up. As I sucked in a breath, I realized I wasn't where I thought I was... I was in my bed... But there was a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, and there was a warm breath hitting the back of my neck. I was in Danny's arms-- it felt so peaceful.

"Danny," I whispered, once the aroma of his cologne hit me. This was it, this was where I belonged... Waking up to Danny every morning. The sense of security and love made me feel right at home.

His arms tightened around me, and pulled me onto him. I let my eyes fall shut as I rested my head on his warm chest while one of his hands moved up and ran through my hair. "Good morning, babe," his attractive morning voice said softly.

I let out a content sigh as I moved a hand up and placed it flat on his warm skin. "Too early," I mumbled, trying to burrow further into his warmth. "Ugh."

He chuckled, sending vibrations through his chest. "It's already eight. You've been asleep for nearly ten hours. I think it's about time we get up and make breakfast," he said, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

That made me open my eyes. I curled up my fingers and lifted my head to meet his beautiful brown eyes. "Well, that got you up. Good morning," he said as a smile grew on his face. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss to my lips. "I take it you slept well, then?"

I nodded as I broke eye contact and rested my head on his chest again. "Best night..." I let out a yawn. "Best night of sleep since the New Year." I let my eyes fall shut. "I've missed waking up to you every morning."

One of Danny's large hands moved up to rub up and down my clothed back. "I can say the same. This is my first morning sleeping in since Christmas day. I must say it's great having more body heat under the sheets with me," he said as he let out a sigh.

I giggled against him and lifted my head again. "You're the warm one," I told him, looking into those beautiful brown eyes. I bought a hand up and cupped his stubbly cheek. "You're so handsome Danny." 

He removed his hand from my back and brushed the back of his knuckles against my cheek bone. "And you're beautiful, Kris. I love you so much," he replied, that beautiful smile shining at me.

Just as I was about to say something, I was cut off by his stomach growling under me. "Jeez," I giggled. "What's with you lately? You always seem to be hungry. Do you want me to make us breakfast? I went shopping before my job interview yesterday."

His dark eyebrows were furrowed. "Job interview? Where did you interview," he asked, surprise painting his voice.

I rolled off of him and sat up, looking down at him with a smile. "Well, yeah... I kinda need a job... Can't go my entire life without making money," I told him. "But uh... It was my second interview. The first was with the Celtics, where Vicki is working now... The second was with the Red Sox... That was the one I had yesterday."

Danny sat up and looked at me with eyebrows raised. "That... That's great... But if you work with the Red Sox... You will be working your hardest in my off season... And... And if you work for the Celtics, you may not be able to make it to a lot of games," he pointed out, sounding disgruntled.

I reached over and put my hand on top of his hand. "Well, we all have to make sacrifices," I told him with a sigh. "But... On the bright side... If I work with the Celtics... It will only be a minor job. No traveling. If I don't travel then that means I'll be here a lot more."

Danny let out a sigh. "I-I," he let out a sigh. He shook his head as he picked my hand up, placing a kiss on it. "I'm just worried we won't get much time together," he said, worried brown eyes looking back at me. 

"Danny," I said, swinging a leg over his, so I was straddling him. "Neither of them are for sure. We'll see what happens, okay?" He didn't say anything, his lips just met mine.


"Hey, Krissy," Danny called from the bedroom while I was stood at the counter, looking at flight options for us to fly back to Texas.

We decided, since I was free, we'd head back to Texas together for a few days because he had a few things to take care of there. I turned my attention from my laptop to look up at him. "What's up, babe?"

He came walking down the hall with a velvet box in his hand. He flicked it open and looked down at it. "You've kept this all this time," he asked, looking down at the ruby ring he got me.

I shrugged. "Of course I did. How could I throw it away? I thought about wearing it so many times... But I couldn't bring myself to take it out of the box and put it on," I admitted. "All I could think about was what you told me when you gave it to me. It hurt to think that you didn't mean any of it."

Danny let out a sigh and shook his head. "I'm so glad you kept it," he said with a sigh. "You can wear it now, too," he pointed out as he slid into the seat next to me. "I never thought you'd get the chance to do so."

I turned toward him and rolled my eyes. "You knew I was gonna leave the Pats eventually," I told him with a chuckle.

Danny shook his head as he looked down at the ring. "No I didn't. I-I thought that we'd have to stay the way we were until I retired," he admitted. "It was your dream job. I never expected you to quit it for me."

"It's in the past now, Danny. We don't have to worry about it anymore," I replied with a shrug. "And you know what? You're right! I can wear it now!" I leaned over and smashed my lips into his.

His large fingers removed it from its slot, then lifted my hand and slid it on my ring finger-- right where a wedding ring would go. I looked up from it to meet his eyes. "I love you, Danny," I said as I leaned forward and hugged him tight.

"I love you, too," he said as he hugged me back, so tight it was like his life depended on it. "One day I'll replace that ring with a real one, though." He pulled back and smiled at me. "I will... Mark my words."

I giggled. "As long as I have you, I'm happy, Danny," I told him and turned toward the computer screen. "Now which flight looks best to you?"

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