Chapter 15

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** Kristene POV **

I rolled my eyes as my phone vibrated for what had to of been the twentieth time since I got back from lunch. I leaned over and turned my phone off, not even bothering to look at any of the notifications. The video I was looking over needed to be done by the end of the day so we could get it out on time.

A few minutes later, I was just finalizing all the graphics used in the video when Vicki came barging into my office without knocking. She looked at me with big, wide, eyes. "Thanks for knocking. What's up," I asked as I glanced away from her, and back to my computer screen.

"Kristene, have you checked your phone at all," she questioned as she moved in and sat down in the chair in front of my desk.

I shook my head. "No, I've been working," I mumbled as I looked back up to her. "My phone has been blowing up, though. I haven't gotten a chance to check it."

"You should re-," she was cut off by my desk phone ringing.

I sighed as I picked it up. "This is Kristene, co-communications leader. How may I help you," I asked as I kept my eyes on Vicki. She looked to have a tight grip on the arms of the chair she was in. 

"Hey Kristene, you are needed in Belichick's office in five minutes," our receptionist said into the phone. "He said to just walk in."

I let out a sigh, but nodded anyway. "Okay... I will be right down. I just need to save this document on my computer," I mumbled as I rolled my eyes. "Thank you, Sarah." I placed the phone back on the receiver and let out a sigh.

"Well, I am needed in coach B's office," I mumbled as I pushed my chair back as stood up. "Maybe we can talk about whatever it is after I'm done down there."

"Kristene," Vicki said as I began moving out of my office. She grabbed my wrist to get me to turn and face her. Her blue eyes had fright in them as she looked back at me. "They know..."

My eyes went wide. Fuck.  "I-I... Oh god... Thank you Vicki," I mumbled and let out a loud breath.

She let go of my wrist, and then I was off. My heart was racing. So this was how it was going to end... This was how my dream job was going to be killed. As I stood in the elevator, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. 'At least you'll still have Danny', I kept repeating to myself. Somehow it wasn't as comforting as I thought it would be.

But in the end... That was all that really mattered to me— Danny. I'd have the man of my dreams— and the man of my dreams was so much more important than my dream job. Work won't always be there forever, but the right man will be.

When the elevator finally stopped, I was only a few hundred feet from the end of my dream job. With a deep breath, I fixed my posture, and made my way into the hall. I knocked on Coach B's door, and pushed it open.

Inside the office was Mr. Kraft, Coach Belichick, and Danny. His brown eyes immediately met mine, I shook my head, and looked up to meet the eyes of Coach B. "Kristene, please have a seat," he said in a stern voice as he motioned to the chair next to Danny.

I swallowed and nodded as I pushed the door shut and slipped into the chair. "Do you two know why we've asked you to come in here," Mr. Kraft asked as he sat on the edge of the desk.

Before I could speak, Danny did. "Yes sir... Kristene," he glanced over at me, and then back to Kraft, "and I have had relations outside of the work setting. And we know that is strictly against company policy."

Both B and Kraft nodded. "So then I take it you both have seen the photos on TMZ today," Kraft asked as he looked between the two of us.

"Yes, sir, I have," Danny said with a sigh. It broke my heart to hear his voice so soft, so broken. 

I shook my head. "No, Mr. Kraft, I have not seen the photos," I told him with a sigh. Belichick sat behind Kraft, in his chair with his normal emotionless face, and his arms crossed.

Kraft slid off the desk and turned back to Belichick. Belichick turned around his computer screen and let out a long sigh. "These photos look to have accumulated since the beginning of your time working with us, Kristene," he pointed out in a stern voice.

I looked at the photos and nearly lost my shit. We'd been followed around for months... There was a picture of the day I first met him... A picture of us the day he gave me his number on that post it note, the morning after christmas-- inside his apartment building--, and in the hall of the stadium the day I was assaulted. Jesus.

Both Danny and I nodded. "Yes si-," Danny began, but I quickly cut him off.

"It was my fault sir. I pursued him first. I knew what my contract stated, but I went against it anyway. I apologize for my actions," I said and let out a long sigh.

I glanced over at Danny who was looking at me with wide brown eyes. "Kriste-," Danny began in a quiet voice.

I shook my head. "No, Danny... It's the truth. We can't lie anymore," I put my hand on top of his on the arm rest and looked back over toward the two older men. "I will have Vicki collect my stuff from my office, and then I will be on my way. I thank you both for the opportunity to work here. I have learned so much, and will take my new found knowledge everywhere I go," I told them with a sigh. My hand fell from Danny's smooth skin and fell into my lap.

Coach B was still sat there, emotionless, but Kraft sat there thinking. "Kristene... You have been beyond valuable to the teams social media. We have talked, and there is one thing that we are willing to offer," he said as he looked me right in the eye.

I sucked in a breath and nodded. "Okay..."

"If you two decide to split, you will be able to keep your job and Danny will not receive any penalties. This situation is truly what is best for the team. We cannot have constant distractions in the workplace. That is not productive for either players, or behind the scenes in the organization," Kraft informed as he glanced from Danny to me.

Both of us nodded in agreement.

"We will have a meeting here tomorrow at one, you will need to make your decision by then," Bill budded in as he sat up and leaned against his desk. "I trust you will make the right decision."

Lord... Have mercy on these two... Please... ;)

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