Chapter 28

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Well, I wasn't going to update today... but I am because— SNOW DAY

** Kristene's POV **

"I'm so glad I didn't lose you for good," Danny mumbled. He pulled me closer to him and placed a kiss on my forehead. "God... I love you way more than I should." His voice was soft, just the way I remembered it. I was so glad to be encased in his warmth again.

"I've missed you so much," I whispered back. I nuzzled my face into his warm chest and took in the scent that I'd missed for the whole month we were away from each other. "I never thought I'd get this again."

His hot lips met my forehead again as he shook his head. "I am so damn glad that I didn't get on that plane," he replied. "So fucking glad. Jules has been on my ass for weeks to talk to you... And... That day I ran to you after the game I was so ready... I was going to... But then I froze. I could tell you just wanted to leave... It was cold... And I froze, I didn't know what to say." He shook his head and let out a long sigh. "I really thought I fucked up."

I pulled away a bit so I could look him right in the eye. "I was shocked that day," I admitted. "I-I was scared too. That was when I knew that I could no longer deal with seeing you. It would impede me doing my job the best I could, and to be completely honest, it hurt."

"I'm sorry I did that," he replied in a quiet voice. "I-I... You know when I found out about you quitting?" He asked, his sad brown eyes looked directly at me.

I shook my head.

"It was during warm ups the day of the AFC Championship game... And I was stretching next to Jules... After looking around a bit, I saw Stella and one of the other girls from communications-- who wasn't very happy if you ask me-- taking videos for pregame. So," he took a breath, those brown eyes looking down at me with sadness. "So I looked over at Julian and asked if he'd seen you. I was so focused in practices, I never looked to see who was taking videos that week. Julian told me, and I was shocked. I totally thought I'd never see you again. It... It was stuck in my head all game... And then... Then I lost the game for us..." He began shaking his head-- making me feel bad. I knew he cared about the game, it was clear... But seeing him like this... It was heartbreaking.

I shook my head and brought a hand up to place it on his stubbly cheek. "It wasn't your fault, Danny. It was a team effort," I told him, feeling sorry for him.

He shook his head. "No... I-It was me. All my fault. But... But then when we got back to the locker room, Julian showed me the text that you sent. I-I... It was like there was some hope. I totally thought you hated me. You still cared... I was shocked," he admitted. He sucked in a breath and then a smile made its way to his face. "Here we are, now... I couldn't be happier, Krissy."   

I nodded in agreement. "I had doubts of ever finding love again," I told him as I shook my head. "I sat around feeling sorry for myself for a while."

Danny opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by his stomach letting out aloud growl. I began giggling as he chuckled. "Are you hungry," I asked through giggles. A large smile was on his face as he nodded back at me, still laughing. "How about I make us dinner?" I questioned, looking over toward the clock. It was already seven.

"Uh... Yeah... That sounds good, but only if yo-," he cut himself, as his brown eyes went wide. "How about we go out to dinner?"

My eyes went wide as I registered what he just said. "Holy shit... We can go out to dinner now," I said. "Of course! That sounds amazing!" I smashed my lips into his. "We get to be public."

He nodded and smashed his lips back into mine. "This is going to be so great. I finally get to take the most beautiful woman out to dinner," he said, his perfect smile practically shining at me in the light of my living room.

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