Chapter 2

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** Kristene's POV **

"God, that steak was so freaking good," I said to Vicki as I leaned back in my chair and let my eyes fall shut.

"It was... We still have dessert coming too," she pointed out.

My eyes shot open and I shook my head. "Oh goodness, no! I've no room left! Especially since I've got at least two more glasses of wine in my future tonight," I told her. I couldn't possibly eat another bite.

That was when a beautiful piece of chocolate cake was placed in front of me. It looked way too good to be passed up. I picked up my fork and dug right into it. "Jesus. I love Mr. Kraft way too much," I moaned at the wonderful taste that took over my mouth.

Vicki giggled from next to me and nodded. "Yeah. He's pretty great. Last year, they had an amazing red velvet cake! It was amazing. I guess they get cake from some really high end bakery in the North End," she informed as she dug into her piece.

"I need to know what place this is so I can have their cake at my wedding," I mumbled as I dug in for another fork full.

"Ha! With what boyfriend? You better marry someone rich, if you do! Their cakes are beyond expensive, girl," Vicki said.

The thought of Danny crossed my mind. Ha! As if... We weren't even public and we'd been together for a little over three months... No one knew about us, and I wanted to keep it that way until one of us left the organization... But then again, with my luck, we'd fizzle out before we could even get to going public. I couldn't keep a relationship longer than five months after my once upon a time "forever" left me for another woman.

I shook the thought from my head. "Yeah. Maybe I'll just go and get a cupcake from there sometime," I replied with a shrug. "I don't see any rich men in my future.

"Yeah, if you want a fifteen dollar cupcake," Vicki shot back.

I shrugged. "Oh well! It'll be a delicacy! Now quit bursting my bubble!"


I sighed as I sat down at the barstool and waited for the bartender to make his way over to me. "Having another wine," Danny's voice suddenly said from next to me. "Or are you going for something stronger?"

"This is my last glass... Then it'll be time to hit the dance floor," I told him as the bartender moved over. Before either of us could say anything, he began pouring our drinks.

"The dance floor... Huh? With who?" Danny was beginning to get the hint of jealousy in his voice.

I giggled and shook my head. "The girls! Who else? You think I'm gonna go dance with Rob? I don't think so. If I were to dance with anyone, it would be Brady. Think Gisele would allow it?" I asked with a giggle.

Danny scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Players are off limits though."

"Not for a measly little dance," I teased with a giggle. "Now I'm gonna head back to my table, finish this glass of wine, and hit the dance floor. Don't get too close, babe." I winked at him and made my way back to the table.

Vicki was sat at the table with an eyebrow arched. "What did Amendola say to you? His jaw like dropped as you walked away."

I looked back toward to bar to see Danny slamming his whiskey and coke. "He made a comment about how I'm a pansy cuz I'm drinking wine," I lied. "So I told him I'd shotgun a beer faster than him during the off season."

"Does he know you went to one of the biggest party schools in the nation?" She asked as the two of us watched him slam his glass down on the bar, then slowly make his way back to his table.

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